Recently Answered Questions on Acyclovir


Chicken pox during pregnancy at week 16

Hi ... I had  chicken pox in the 16 week of my pregnancy after 1 or 2 bringles appearing  immediately i took medical attention and took  acyclovir 800 mg tablet for 5 days after taken tablet there is no bringles appeared no i got confusion about it is affect my fetus or not .
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About HSV test results

I have two questions, 1. I Got HSV 1+2 IgG result with index value 30, does it means spread of HSV in body is high? Will it lead to any serious issue in future? I am on Acyclovir 400, five times daily now. 2. Can a HSV positive couple plan for a baby? Please reply.
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Small Blister on upper Lips & cheek..

I have been suffering  such problem from 1 months ago... first of all small bubbles seen in Lips & few days its become large..when i touch such blister it broke or watery discharge..Some bubble become full of pus..Its become Painful & itching..then i used ointment Acyclovir... it will disappear while used ointment again it came..what can i do doctor?? What its' diagnosis..plz doctor help me...
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Recurring blisters on penis glan area

Why do I get blisters recurrently though I don't do any sex. These blisters will heal if I take acyclovir tablet but again blisters will come in other place of penis and these will turn to ulcer. This will be itching and bring pain inside the penis sometimes. What is the reason and what's the cause for this? Please answer and help me.
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Hsv1& 2 igg tests suggested

My doctor on video connect thinks i have genital herpes but i never ever had any kind of sex / activity . He asked to do hsv 1 and 2 igg but i am scared of false positives. The blisters were very tiny and non painful at all , i had white discharge though . Pls suggest if i should do test. Currently on acyclovir.. done with antibiotics
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Yellow pus blister during chicken pox

I got chicken pox on Saturday, took acyclovir 400mg and now pain is gone but blisters filled with fluid are still there. But in face in one place near nose, a big blister is filled with yellow pus and is somewhat hardened. Is there any need to visit doctor due to this Yellow pus blister? Please advise. Thank you.
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Chickenpox for 2 month old baby

My wife has been diagnosed with chickenpox today. She has been breastfeeding my 2 month old baby. Does she need to stop breastfeeding or can continue? Will my baby also be infected with chickenpox? My wife has started taking antiviral medicine acyclovir after consultation with physician. Our paediatrician did not provide a definitive answer on whether she should continue breastfeeding or stop. Please help.
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Genital herpes

My std test report shows Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV)1+2 IgG , Serum postive. Ihave taken acyclovir for ten days but still white discharge and irritation i have. Its been 15 yrs i am having the irrition and discharge but last month only i did the test and came to know the incurable virus i have. Is there any help for me?
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Genital warts

Doctor i had redness on my penis with lesion I was told I have herpes then treated with acyclovir but no improvement then i was told i have GENITAL WARTS and got treated so can you tell me if i have herpes or hpv please note the warts have not returned I just had a check does it mean hpv is clearing my body or will it be for ever?
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Chicken pox in pregnancy

My wife is in thirty four weeks and she is diagonsed with chickenpox, so doctor has advised below medicines Tab acyclovir seven days Tab dolo for sevendays Calosoft AF lotion on itching areas Tab azee for 3days Need to know how safe are these medicines to take or shall we consult other dr
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