Recently Answered Questions on ARKAMIN-H


Can i consume Revital H

I travel around 80km a day to office on big and have a very hectic schedule.. I do take nuerobian forte on daily basis(b complex).. So wanted to ask can I take Revital H instead of Nuerobian Forte.. Is it safe to take Revital H.. As my food habits r quite irregular..
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H pylori , Indigestion , Gas

Hi Doc, I have been treated with antibiotics for 2 weeks for H pylori and after that doctor prescribed me PPI for a month. It has been more than a week after H pylori treatment I make a lot of gas , feel fullness after meal ,burping and also feels little right chest pain(not sure because of gas) but when gas expels through burping that pain goes away. Can you please help.
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H pylori infection

H pylori infection My wife has been infected with H pylori. Doctor prescribed her pantocid HP for 10 days but after 7 days of dose she felt full of stomach etc. Is it side effects of pantocid HP. Can I stop taking dose after 7 days. What diet will be helpful for her.
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Abortion krna h

Meri wife ko period ni aa rhi h es month se to ky eska mtlb wo pregnant h.pichhle 2 month se hr month 2 din period aati h
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H pylori infection not getting eradicate

I have a h pylori infection for which I took antibiotics amoxicillin and Clarithromycin . The infection did not clear up with first line treatment . So had a second course of antibiotics with higher strength amoxicillin and Clarithromycin. After the completion of second line treatment , h pylori still shows up positive . Please advice.
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Talicia for h pylori

Talicia is a medicine for refractory h pylori in the US Its not available in india Please anyone how do I order it I asked many people if I can take its components separately but based on literature  generic rifabuin is only effective upto 70%Please answer this h pylori has ruined my life i had to go on antidepressants
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H pylori infection

Can even mild h pylori cause acid reflux .I had a Nissen fundoplication a year ago and I was diagnosed with h pylori 2 months ago and I have little reflux wich cause throat irritation and gasy and heavy stomach after eating
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H pilory infection

Hello sir, I have tested h pilory positive 3 months ago... Doctor prescribed me pantocid hp kit...But that time I could not able to complete the course...Now I am re taking the course...Is this create any problem? And I have always gas in my stomach...Is this create any problem? Is h pilory totally cureable?
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H-pilory infection

My husband is diagonosed by h pilory today...I am 26 years old female and we have a son (1 year 7 month)...what is the rate of contamination of h- pilory?...S&&hould he quarantine or we have to maintain distance as it is contageous and infect child easily...and he is suffering from it from 2 month ...what is the chance of stomach cancer)...
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I had concern about revital H

I had a concern about Revital H it's been 2.5 years I had paralysis. I am too glad that I am recovered, and only take Atromac gold 10 just to make sure, because I dont want to go, back again to the hospital. ever since I took a Revital h (7 days ago). my hand and feet went numb, and I feel tired. Does its that suppose to happen?
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