Recently Answered Questions on ANZAVIR-R


R Arthritis

I hv arthritis. Is I'm plan 2 nd baby safely. I hv 2 year old boy. I'm suffering Rumonoid arthritis. Is homeopathic medicine is good for Rumonoid arthritis or not. Plz tell.
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What r the directions

My girlfriend has constipation problem.she is not having her healthy bowel movement.please suggest the directions to intake Isabgol Husk.
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What r the directions?

My girlfriend is suffering from constipation from many months.. and I adviced her to use..HUSK OF PLANTAGO OVATA (Isabgol) . Please tell me will it be good..if not please suggest other way..and if yes please tell the directions..
73 Views hidden

Give me u r best sir

1.i want increase my pannie? 2.why i m lost immidetly ? 3.i am smoking thats why this problem?
56 Views hidden

There r my test result.

Liver:liver appears coarse in echotexture and shows surface irregularity. Pancreas: normal Spleen: normal,spleen measures approx 15.4cm.Fotey's bulb noted in site. Prostate:prostate is not visualise. Moderate free fluid is seen in the cavity. Impression: chronic parenchymal liver disease with features of portal hypertension. Total bilirubin:2.25 Total protein: 7.5 Albumin:3.6 Alk phosphatase:139 Gamma GT:237 In/direct bilirubin: 1.37/0.88. OT/AST:82 GPT/ALT:33 A/G ratio:0.9 Globulin:3.9
167 Views hidden

Is she pregnant r not

Hii sir, i and my life partner had removed dress and hug nd kissd each and we touched organ each other my partner saying that she got faint and vomited nu is my partner got pregnant i got afraid sir pls help me sir how to recover this if she got pregnant naa.. i cant able to take to hosiptal say me any home remedy
324 Views hidden

R yr daughter

My 4 yr daughter hav pain in her legs n she is tooo thin n her weight is 11 kg why plzz suggest wat i should giv to her to decrease pain in her legs
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What r steroids

My husband is taking steriods from last 5 years he is taking injection which is steroid can it make any problem in his health
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R(S)r probable normal variant in ecg

Hi doctors, I am suffering from spondylitis, today I am getting severe neck pain chest pain I went to doctor and he said pain is due to spondylitis. I had an ecg pls check and let me know it is normal or not.
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Urin R/M reports

In my mother routine check up some paramerters in urine reports are Urine protien : 1+ Blood :trace Leucocyte estrase :trace Pus cells :5-8 Epithelial cells :3-5 are found. Although kft, lft , cbc repots are normal. So sir please tell me that any medication are required to my mother.
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