Recently Answered Questions on ALBENDAZOLE


Intestinal worms

What is dosage of bandy plus (albendazole+ivermectine) for adults? Also I took it just after the dinner will it reduce absorption of medicine?
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Baby stool after albedanzole syrup

My daughter is 20 months old . Last night we gave her albendazole syrup. And today's y we found her like the following. Please look at the image and give your suggestion
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Worms in stomach

I have worms in stomach ( pin worms most probably). I repeatedly get them. I take albendazole but it is helpful only for some time. After few months i again get so many worms. My haemoglobin has dropped a lot. It is not improving even after appropriate diet.
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Worm infection 🐛

My 3.5 years daughter suffering from worm in stomach. What albendazole suspension dose should I gave her in 1 time single dose? Zental 400 or noworm 200 (10mg)? Plz reply🙏
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Stomach pain and diarrhea

Since yesterday morning i am having stomach pain and diarrhea. While sleeping its getting worse so In the night i had meftalspas before sleeping. Now still i am facing the pain. Can i take albendazole or anyother tablet
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Intestinal R Worm

I took albendazole 5 time in 2 month for worm still loose motion Can metronidazole kill intestinal worm or help me in loose motion?
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Stomach pain

My daughter aged 4yrs 6months, complaining of stomach pain from 2 days... Within minutes again she will be fine... 2months back given albendazole syrup... What syrup can we give?
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Pinworm infection

I have a pinworm infection ,I took albendazole 400 single tab 3 days ago but i see no improvement at all ,now they are moving more frequently and I feel more itch than before,can i take another tablet now?
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What does it say

Does it say albendazole once at night for 3 continuous days? Can't figure out if 3 days continuously or once a week for 3 weeks
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Question on drug interaction

Can Dutasteride 0.5mg be consumed along with Ivermectin + Albendazole, Sylmarin/Lecithin and  Ofloxacin tablets/capsules. Please advise if there are any adverse interactions when these medications are taken together?
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