Recently Answered Questions on AB-CV


Blood group

I have blood grp AB+ and my wife have blood grp AB+ . Can we have babies .? Is there a chance of prblem during conceiving delivery .?
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Blood group

Can i (AB+) and my would be wife (AB+) Have babies safely...? I mean would there b any prblm during delivery only or there'd be problem with the baby.?
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Blood group problem for marriage

My blood group is AB positive. Is there any problem for marriage of AB+ blood group boy and O- negative blood group girl.?
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Tablet related queries

Zifi cv and zerodol sp Same or not. Is zerodol sp use for gum swollen. Doctor advised to take zifi cv but it is not available
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Toothache problem

I hv toothache from 3 days. Tell me about medicine to relief from toothache. ZIFI CV 200 and ZERODOL CV medicine i already taken.. But no relief.
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Change my medicine

I'm taking clopidogrel 75+ aspirin 75. Can i stop it and start clopitab cv 20mg. Will it good for my health for stopping aspirin 75mg. And take only clopitab cv 20mg?
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Combination of medicines

Iam using crevast cv 10 tablets know I have neck pain for that iam taking cervical spondalytes medicine can i take these medicines with crevast cv 10 .
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Boils on buttock coming again and again

I have taken moxikind CV 625 for 5 days . Initially it seemed to work but now again I can see few new boils on same place on 6th day of moxikind CV 625 Please advise
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After years rescently test

A question:if after 5 year rescently the test hiv1,2 Ag /ab generation 4 is negative 0.35 .is possible ab in blood is came low and can't show ab and ag in blood appear but is low and this test cant show the Ag ? Please say me.
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Query regarding fungal infection

What is the duration or doses of / how long is it safe to take the capsules "altipod cv/zotopod cv/gud cef cv (Cefpodoxime 200 MG+Clavulanic acid 125 MG)" with Capsule Itraconazole 100 mg in severe prolonged skin fungal infection???
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