Recently Answered Questions on Vansafe-Cp


Small T2&FLAIR mild hyper intense lesion

MRI scan reort of my father age 60 years. Small T2 & FLAIR mild hyper intense lesion involving right CP angle anterior to the 8th nerve complex at root exit zone of right 5th nerve Likely to be right Trigeminal Schwannoma Is it serious,Is the treatment like surgery or radiation
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Vision related query

I am prematurely born, breech delivery, and having mild Cerebral Palsy, affecting my left leg tendon. Doctor said I have spasticity in my body. I was treated ( operated)  for exotropia in the right eye at the age of 8 years. It has appeared again in the same eye recently. Although it's intermittent, and controllable. It especially occurs during close, concentrated work. Still my vision in both the eyes is 6/6. ?My questions are 1. How it is possible 6/6 vision  in the affected eye? 2. Is this exotropia a case of weak ocular muscle or of mild CP? As my left leg tendon is tight and right eye has minor exotropia, it probably means could be a decent in left part of brain. 3. I have no any other kind of problem. I can do all the activities a normal person can do. So, how I am a candidate of CP! 4. What should I do to correct my minor exotropia? Eye surgery or something related to neurological department? 5. Is exotropia surgery 100% successful Please guide me as I am very much confused.
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Fungal Infection

I am suffering from the fungal infection since past 4 years. Infection is at buttocks from starting. From past 6 month it also has appeared on ears and near by area and a smalI patch on a leg too. Have consulted about 5 doctors near by my location(Mira Road, Thane, Maharastra). Each of the doctor gave me the 3 months course of medication which include Intraconozole tablets, Livafin CP cream and luliconazole lotion  but still it is not cured. Are these the right medicine? Is it possible to get fully rid of this? Do I need to follow any diet to get cure?
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CT brain plain dizziness

Cerebri cerebellar hemisphere brainstem appears normal Bilateral basal ganglia and thalami normal Ventricular system is normal in calibre Subarachnoid spaces including bilateral cp angle regions normal No intracranial collection is seen No fracture is seen Orbits and visualized paranasal sinuses are normal Impression No significant abnormalities detected I am having giddiness sometimes and palpitations 5 times ECG normal echo normal Tsh normal bp normal FBS ppbs normal CBC normal What is the cause of sudden palpitations giddiness plz help me out my life is getting fed up which doctor should i consult plz help
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Short breathing while sleeping

Since 02.08.2020, i was suffering from cold cough and Fever. Now the same diseases over except cough. Now it became dry cough. While sleeping in the night, it creates more problem and i can't able to sleeping and entire night is passing in seating. Today 12.08.2020 I have done one chest pa view Radiological/imaging and report finds that:1. Right CP angle is blunted, 2. Lung fields - nono homogeneous opacities are seen in right upper, mid, lower and left mid, lower zones. Conclusion: Viral Pneumonia. Suggested: Clinical Correlation, HRCT Thorax. Please advice what to do in this situation. Is it very dangerous or it can be curable by taking medicine at home. Or it needs to join hospital. If you will say I'll upload the reports.
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Dizziness,Difficulty Breathing,etc

Hi.I am 22 years old Male , feeling dizziness, shortness of breath , headaches ,muscle weakness , feeling like floor is moving under my feet when walking, blur vision from more than five months . . I don't even smoke . all these problem could not occur at the same time . they occur in a sequence one after the other . I have normal MRI DWI ,Normal B12 level RFT, TFT, urine test, BSR , Blood CP , CPK , ECG , Normal Montoux Test , Normal chest x.rays . . .Deficient in vitamin D Kindly guide me .
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My mother suffirng Head issue

My mom suffering from some head problem She getting unwanted sound on her head That problem not living her to do sleep every night We have done 2 time MRI Scan There mentioned. 1) Anterior pituitary macroadenoma/Apoplexy 2)Right CP Angle Archinoid Cyst 3)Vascular Loops are noted in close proximity to the Root entry Zones of Bilateral 5th nerve complexes neurovascular contact 4)Hypoplalastic Right Posterior Communicating Artery
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Left apical pleural thickening

Dear sir I have dry coughing from last 18 days,fever 102-103 regularly. Mentaux test positive and chest X-ray shows Their is widening of B/L paratracheal lines. There is left apical pleural thickening associated with volume loss In homogeneous flubby opacities noted in left upper and middle lung.Suggestive of consolidation. Rt lung field appear normal.B/L cp angles are clear. Impression: features suggestive of likely infective etiology. FNAC : AFB STAIN NEGATIVE, GRANULOMATOUS LYMPHDENITIS
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High blood pressure

My brother complained about headache and when we checked his blood pressure it was very high 120/150 since he's a CP child and I believe his capacity to tackle diseases is a little lower maybe and he was epilepsy patient too but before 2,3 years he's not having those fits but is still under medication, and the past last month he got a high grade fever and other viral infections and was taking many antibiotics Is this the reason for his high blood pressure or maybe something else, what are the reasons for having this high blood pressure in such a young age and what needs to be done for its cure? Thank you in advance!
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Low hunger

My brother is 24 year old mentally challenged child with severe cp. He usually ate less almost 1/4th in comparison to other kids of his age.But gradually it reduced very much. Right now he is atmost taking 2 to cups of cooked rice in entire day(maybe around 75 to 80g). He refuses to take even water. Atmost he drinks around 1 litre of water. Even that takes a lot of effort for us to make him do that.But he is not loosing any weight either. And all his blood sugar and other levels, hp are normal.
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