Recently Answered Questions on Serta



So i consulted a psychiatrist a few days back, and was prescribed serta 25 mg then serta 50mg and clonotril 0.25mg. And i am also taking levocet 5 mg (for asthma) These medicines make me very drowsy. My office work requires concentration and when i am on these meds, my performance at work (and chances of good appraisal) are getting affected, although slight mood improvement is there but i feel like those medicines are not doing anything to prevent impulsivity. Got skin rash due to new meds so stopped without consultation. (still taking levocet  )I feel so detached from the surroundings and don't think about consequences before acting. I am very rejection sensitive.  Suicidal ideation is also there. i very deeply relate to traits of bpd. Anger issues have always been there (teenage se). What should i do. Decision to go for psychiatric help was already tough. I thought medicines would help And now i am losing hope and faith (on medical model of illness prevention)
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Having pcod and mid cycle bleeding

I was having krimson 35 for a couple of months due to irregular bleeding. I stopped for a month as the doc advised to give a break and was having periods evry 15 days and not stopping completely. So I have started it back and 20 days with the medicine still having bleeding inside( dark brown clotted) and some spotting at times and pelvic cramp every night the kind of pain that happens during menses but not throughout the day. I exercise regularly and if I do heavy exercise sometimes I see the spotting. I was also under medication for anxiety (serta 25) and inderal 10 which I have recently stopped at will a couple of days back and since then I started having cramp. I'm really confused at what is causing the bleeding and why is it not going away. I also take normoz daily. Is there any interaction between stopping serta and this? I did USG a couple of months back and the doc said it's a very mild pcod.i also consume alcohol ( one bottle beer every two days) to take off work stress.
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Low platelet count.

My mom is suffering from flu. She had high grade fever, cough, sore throat. She has history of high blood pressure for which she takes metropolol 25 mg 2 times a day and serta 50mg for her anxiety. Her blood work was done blood tests were fine but her platelets are a bit down. Her dengue test came negative. So can I give a platenza himalaya tablets the papaya leaf extract tablets for her platelet count.
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Medication review

I have anxiety disorder and panic disorder since two years. I have taken different medications for anxiety over these two years. Currently I am on Serta 50 mg, Clonotril 0.25mg and sos Alprax. Recently I took a holter monitor test to see if there is any cardiac issue. The report was normal but there was qt prolongation. I have read that the medications I take can prolong qt. So I wanted check is it safe to take Alprax and clonotril?
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Fungal infection

I am suffering from fungal infection since last 6 near to my private part........i have taken this medicines....allready...pls help me... tab it mac 400 tab terbinaforce 250 tab panta 40 sy blood purifier tab immune oint dermiforde oint serta oint dipsalic oint pandarm oint parasmani etc
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Menstual problem

I m having yaz still 4 years after my cyst operation.and those days my periods happened properly and correct I m having frisium 10 and Serta 25 and folvit 5 becz of having seizure problem recently 2 month after consult doctor but this particular month my period date was happened early and 7 days running but continusly happening little little drops.and also I join gym class recently.what is the cause of these?
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I am suffering from schizophrenia, depression ,anxiety from 2003 but doctor sandeep vohra did not catch my problem. I taken medicine till 2013 around 10 year, suddenly I left medicine for 8 months in Oct 2013 till July 2014. I did not take single medicine during this time. only I know how I survived this time.but fortunately I met rajeev sharma and given me medicines solian and serta . now I am completely fine. but one question in my mind exist, can I survive my whole life with these medicines??.
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Severe pulsating headaches.

I've headaches from more than a year, they normally start in late afternoon, very mild in beginning but go way worse by time, I want to sit in a dark noise free room during that time, a very painful pulse keeps on occuring within few seconds interval and if I make movements, couple of pulses occur altogether Making it too painful. It happen all over the head and it feels like nerve would burst I feel scared of using phone/walking/moving my neck/speaking/hearing music cause of this headache. I'm taking Serta 25 for this since November, I've been relieved but they still occur, before taking Serta, I had sneezing and runny nose w headaches, and heart palpitations (but ecg/echo normal), heart palpitations still occur. Are they migrane?
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High heart rate

I am a 27 year old woman. My heart rate while resting remains normal but whenever I stand up it goes upto 110-115 and increases upto 120-160 by slow paced walking at home. I don't know why my heart beats are getting so high. Sometimes I feel dizzy and also feel flutters and palpitations. I got no of ecgs done also I have done 2d echo and ct coronary angiography all are normal. I have attached my most recent ecg. I am also attaching my ecg I took on my apple watch. I am on serta 50mg and alprax 0.25mg because of anxiety. My heart rate is low when I am sitting or laying down but it immediately jumps up if I just stand up or just walk for a few mins. I don't know what problem I am facing please help.
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Disbalance in wlkng ,pain in neck

Hii gdeve..i hav been taking ZINCOVIT, SERTA 25mg,BETACAP tr40 tablts doc suggest me these medicines... My problems are  i felt disbalance while walking ,pain in neck, little bit dizzy  nd sometimes headache olso ...but after taking these medicines 6-7 months which i hav writtn above i felt gud ...aftr leaving these medicines i feel the same problems again..should i continue these medicines ??pls rply me soon it olso a gud medicines for my prblms pls tel? Its a long term prblm yh short term??? Do rply
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