Recently Answered Questions on Risperidone


Ocd with tics

I am having ocd and severe tics. My tics are almost spoiling my life and making me unable to lead life. I have changed more than 5 psychiatrists. I am currently taking risperidone 0.5 mg. Due to severe sedation, I was not able to take a higher dose. Have tried haloperidol 2.5 mg but I was having severe loss of interest in life and restlessness. My doctors have also tried amisulpride 200mg. Please suggest a good medicine for tics.
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I've been having palpitations for about a year now. It could be a side effect of risperidone. i've been taking it for 2/3 years and the dose was increased last year. they're mainly at night but sometimes after exercise or just when i'm sitting. my doctor puts it down to anxiety, i have been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder but i wasn't really anxious when it started. in fact it's making my anxiety worse. i can also sometimes feel my pulse in the heel of my left foot.
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6 months ago I was diagnosed with schizophrenia and since then I am taking antipsychotic drugs. Previously I was taking risperidone oral medication and now since last 2 months I have been switched to paliparidone (invega sustenna injection). I have noticed that my erections are not strong enough and my penis size has also reduced. Please let me know if these side effects are reversible or not. I am worried about my future. I am 31 year old.
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Major Depression

I have been diagnosed with major depression. My psychiatrist has prescribed me topamax , 100 g , 1/2 of a pill in the morning , after lunch and a full pill in the evening. After that Esram 1/2 of a 20g pill. Last , risperidone 1/2 a pill in the evening. I am a bit concerned and i would like to know how accurate this recipe is. Thank you!
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Misdiagnosis of Depression

Hi Doctor, Before 4 years I was mentally harassed by one of my classmates and I went under depression and thus started overthinking.One day I went aggressive due to that mental harassment.My parents thought I was affected with some illusion.They took me to a doctor and he diagnosed my mental condition as Psychosis.He prescribed Risperidone(Sizodon Plus).From last February onwards my condition is getting worse.Now I have no hope for my life.I'm very depressed inside.No joy at all
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Taking birth control major mood swings

I have anxiety, depression and ADHD. I take Risperidone, trazodone, wellbutrin and klonopin. I also have PCOS and was prescribed Tri-Lo-Sprintec. I haven't taken it since January. I decided to refill my script and started taking it last thursday. The problem is I'm going through an emotional time because my grandmother is dying. Since re-starting the birth control, I have been having major mood swings, anxiety and crying fits. I'm wondering if I should stop taking the birth control for now.
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Sleep awakening

I am on remission in bipolar disorder I am on lithosun sr and risperidone 2mg still Doc is tapering slowly... I have a doubt During sleeping I am awakening for 2 min in 2 times in sleep and immediately falling in sleep... I am sleeping 7 hr 30min night and 1hr in afternoon Is awakening  a cause of concern Please reply
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Negative thoughts and self doubt.

I have been in treatment for ocd and depression from one month.Now currently i am on escitalaprom 10 mg, clonazepam 0 .5 mg and risperidone 0.5 mg ..Things are getting much better then before , i have started working out in the gym. But at times i get thoughts like if i am going crazy in public, or i am doing my daily activities in a wrong way, what if i get schizophrenia symptoms. Please guide me what kind of treatment i shall go for..this all symptoms is taking over my mind. Please help . Thanks
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Premature ejaculation

Sir My age is 27years I never had a sexual encounter Recently in masturbation I am ejaculating early like is some seconds... Does my case comes under premature ejaculation If yes how to over come it without medicines I am a bipolar patient Currently I am on lithium 400mg twice and risperidone 2mg night and colnzapam(sometimes) Are my medicines affecting ejaculation time How to have a healthy sexual life For me i was a beast when I am off medicines When I am on medicines my sex feelings are controlled... Please help
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Can i take Shallaki with these psych med

Will boswellia serrata (shallaki) 600mg twice daily have significant interaction with risperidone 6mg, pacitane 4mg and valproate cr 1000mg?? i read shallaki inhibits lots of metabolic enzymes but is it very significant that it might cause problems or just mildly? i really want to take the "indian frankincense" shallaki as its beneficial to a lot of other problems i have. thanks
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