Recently Answered Questions on Ranitidine


Cold and mouth ulcer

Having cold for 4 days hence was taking ranitidine and amoxyllin tablets (will get wheezing incase of severe cold). Now have got mouth ulcer for 2 days in my right side cheek.
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Swelling in liver..dengue and typhiod

My wife suffered with dengue and typhiod from last 5 days. she is admit in hospital.ceftriaxone inj.forlyte m DNS...RANITIDINE INJ. HAS GIVEN.. BUT NO RESPONSE IN CONDITION..
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Can I take pan 40 and ranitidine for peptic ulcer . Sometimes I get black stools may be bleeding . I have taken a course of amoxicillin with pan 40 does not seem much improvement more black stools I find .
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GERD problem

Hello Doctor, I am suffering from throat burn from last 2 months. I am taking raciper D from last 2 days earlier I took ranitidine for 7 days along with raciraft syrup. But still condition is same. What can I do to make it right. Thank you.
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Stomach burning * 1 month

I have stomach buring problem from 1 month...then i used  such medicines pantaprazole , esemoprazole ,Ranitidine ...but not cure then i do H. Pylori test..the test is negative..what can i do dr? Plz help
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Acid reflux

I had gone through the IUI 7 days before, can I consume Ranitidine or Pantoprazole  as I'm feeling lot of acidity and fullness in the stomach. Please suggest .
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Indigestion problem and gastric

Can I take aciloc 150mg before meals two times with digene syrup after meals. Which is better PANTOCID 40mg or ranitidine in indigestion.
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Gastric problem and indigestion problems

I have too much acidity due to I.b.s . due to ulcer my food not digested. I have to take gas medicine after food and in morning. Which gas medicine can be taken after food. Now I am taking aciloc 300mg(ranitidine) after each meals 2b.d with equirex and in morning pan D. Can I take pan D after food and ranitidine 150mg in morning. I have ulcer in my mouth also.
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Gas and kidney stones

I have daily gastric issue specially in the evening, tried all ppi and ranitidine...can kidney stone can cause gas... .. I have no other symptoms...please check my attached CT scan report and reply
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General Query

As i am having gas trouble doctor prescribed me Ranitidine HCL tablet. He said take only one at night after dinner. Is this medicine is safe?. Because there is a news of cancer causing ingredients in this tablet. Whether i should take? Is it a safe to take medicine. Please guide me
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