Recently Answered Questions on Ranitidine


H2 blocker vs PPI

Are H2 blockers like Ranitidine used in clinical practice nowadays ? Or PPI is a better choice as it can block H2 as well as other channels which produces acid in stomach ?
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Have headache almost 3days

Severe headache,I am taking ranitidine delivery tablets and vit d and c,zincofer tablet,I have unbearable pain,my weight 41.6 kg,
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After the ban on Ranitidine in our country which H2 blocker stands the most effective in curing peptic ulcers and gastritis ? Cimetidine , Famotidine or any other and what dose is prescribed ?
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Pain In Chest Shoulders Stomach

Can Gastritis Or Gerd Cause Temporary Shortness Of Breath.And One More Thing. can ranitidine tablet be eaten after meal?
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Bloating and abdominal pain

Hi I am having bloating and abdominal pain stool comes in pudding form.currently on 150 mg ranitidine on and off and tab required for the past 2 years
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Covid vaccine

Before 6 yrs when I was injected Ranitidine injection by a doctor and within few minutes my bp lowered and I had hospitalised due to allergy reaction. And I also have some food allergies.  is it safe for me to take covaxin injection ?
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Medicine dosage

I am feeling pain in the middle part just below my chest and it increases when I eat or drink something...a doctor on practo recommended me ranitidine tablet...I want to know how to take it?
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Fissure problem

Sir I have fissure problem, I went to a government hospital because here any good doctor is not available. where doctor gave me ethrom-500mg and Ranitidine hydrocloride-150 mg should I take these medicine or consult any good doctor.
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Tell me best iron syrup and indigestion

My report of iron is positive. Please suggest me iron best syrup. Can I take iron syrup with zintac(Ranitidine) 150 mg after meals.
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Fever and urineary infection

Today I m consult doctor Dr suggest azithromycin levocetrizine paracetamol ranitidine taking then after more pain and repitly repitly urine coming and pain it's also having
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