Recently Answered Questions on PROVERA


Brown discharge

Hi I'm completed 2 months of C section and tubectomy and I'm breast feeding mother and I'm still bleeding doctor suggested me to take depo provera injection to stop week before i take this injection.after this injection my bleeding stop but today again i have seen two times brown colour discharge.why it happens to me.when my bleeding will stop completely?
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Need Reassurance about Using Depo

I have been taking Depo Provera for 9months but recently got my final shot 3 days ago. I have been experiencing nervousness and no spotting. I’m 17 years old and afraid Depo will affect my fertility and develop medical conditions. I am healthy and have no family history of infertility nor endormetrisis. I am really freaking out. Will I be okay ? And is there a way to detox the Depo out of my body. I don’t think I can wait until October, I’m too nervous it will cause problems. Please help.
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Returning period or pregnancy?

I’m having some abdominal pain. I stopped taking depo provera On October 3rd. I did have unprotected sex but we used the pull out method and me being fresh off of the shot, I didn’t think my chances were that high of getting pregnant. I used a spermicide right after which caused some abdominal pain. I haven’t had a period in maybe a year in a half.
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First time on contraceptive injection

It's my first time on depo-provera injection which I got on 3rd August 2017 which was the 7th day of my cycle. I've had no bleeding. But now I've lost 10kg rather than gained weight which I was told would happen, I'm craving oranges and enjoy the smell of fish now which I hated before, my lower abdomen is firm, and I'm drinking a lot more but I'm constipated but urinating alot. I haven't taken a pregnancy test yet, but could I be pregnant even though I'm on the contraceptive injection?
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Adenomyosis or fistula

Hi, once in ultrasound 6 months ago, report shown 15mm endometrial thickness with heterogenous foci myometrium. Last month, mri shown normal endometrial thickness but hypo intense area on t3 area.. in myometrium. Am on depo provera since 6 months. I have been having a very bad smelly vaginal discharge since a month and once a doctor had told I have fissure in vagina but other doctors did not mention it. Could my smelly discharge be because of fistula possibily or endometrial problem? Should I go for endometrial biopsy and which test can confirm fistula?
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Adenomyosis and thickened endometrium

Hi i'm 45 years old. For the past 2 years i have irregular periods. I have a history of thickened endometrium. Today i consulted an obgyn sonologist since i got my period six mos after my last. I had my period last feb 9 and ends on feb 14. The result of my tvs are The endometrium is hyperechoic measuring 0.85 cm with intact subendometrial halo. Impression: Adenomyosis Thickened endometrium. My ob prescribed provera for 10 days and repeat tvs on the 4th day of mens. Is it okay for me to take it?
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Period cramps, diarrhea, stomach ache,

Hello I’ve been experiencing period pains in my lower abdomen and I have switched birth control medications recently and also I was pregnant but I decided to take the abortion pill. This is my second period since I took the pill and I’ve had really bad cramps and I’ve experienced diarrhea, back pains, head aches and stomach pains. The pain is almost comparable to when I took misoprostol. My doctor suggested I take depo provera instead of Alysena as well Do you think the changes have caused this?
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Tingling sensation and pins/needles

I've been having a tingling sensation and pain in my hands and feet for 2 weeks. Muscle spasm. I have a headache every day (short in duration). Abdominal cramps at night. Anxiety My urinalysis report: mcv (78) and mch (25.3) Large blood Occult blood 3+ Bacteria: few Vit. D:17 ALT: 64 Protein: 30+ (urinalysis dipstick) BP: 126/94, 81 bpm Current medication: depo-provera (only 2 administered), shot is due but won't take it.
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Period problem

Last period was 26/01/17..we meet that day..and take a unwanted 72.. Period was not clear after that..after 10-15 days got nothing..i was tested so many urine hcg all are clear negative..and at  03/03/17 done a serum hcg result was <1.2mmol.. I'm very upset for ectopic pregnancy..if there is a chance or not?? Now what to do?? Usg can detect at this time?what kind of usg ?? Please suggest..i ate provera 10 mg last 5 (09/03/17) i take the last pill.. Please suggest vaginal or normal bleeding after that day
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Constant Period

I had take the depo provera shot in October as a birth control measure after consulting with a gayenec. After a fortnight of which my period started and didn't stop. November. December. Late December I visited the gayenec and she prescribed Primolut N 30 in a descending dosage per day for a month. Ten days into the course my period stops. And starts again next week. This, the doctor said should be normal. The period lasts for a week. A week goes by. I got my period again. I thought it would take a few periods to normalize so I wasn't worried. This lasted a week as well. A week goes by and the period is back and this time it lasts 3 weeks. I need to fix this.
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