Recently Answered Questions on MINOCYCLINE


Taking minocycline

Does taking minocycline can break you out? coz i've read some reviews people saying this can break out their skin
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I am 24 years old female.. I had acne on my skin.. I visited a dermatologist. He prescribed me Minym Er 65 mg (minocycline) for 6 weeks.. I visited him on 4th September 2018..And i completed full course of prescription.. Recently my acne come back again. Doctor prescribed me Minoz Er 65 mg (minocycline).. My question is that same antibiotics will work for my acne??
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Minocycline overdose

I think I overdosed on minocycline (minoz 100mg) capsules. I took 5 of them at once. Is it safe? I am experiencing a bit of dizziness. How long will the dizziness persist? Are there any other symptoms with the overdose
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Allergic to minocycline

I was adviced to take minocycline to cure facial acne. After a week I noticed i'm allergic to this antibiotic ,becoz i'msuffering from severe itching ,rashes,swelling. Now advice me what to do to cure allergic reaction.
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Minocycline vs doxycycline

Hi, I have already taken minocycline last year... for almost 6 weeks... it worked well for me. Now I consulted another doctor who prescribed me doxycycline 100mg. Which is the best... I have minocycline 65... Pls advice... I have been diagnosed acne vulgaris/ seborrheic  dermatitis Regards
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Azelaic acid and minocycline gel

I have been prescribed azelaic acid cream (20%) and minocycline hydrochloride gel (topical) to treat moderate acne How to use both of these creams together ? Is this a good combination or should I shift to adapalene with azelaic acid. What are the side effects minocycline gel ?
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Skin discoloration effect of Minocycline

Hello doctor, I am taking Minocycline & clofazimine for my infection treatment and i want to know that Are both medicine do the discolor/pigmentation to the skin? and if yes then how much time it will take to recover my skin.
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Clarification required n Minocycline HCL

We had visited dermatologist for skin related problem for my wife. Doctor had prescribed M-PLUS-100 ( Minocycline HCL Capsule). As we are newly married, will it be a problem for pregnancy planning or in any case will it affect her menstrual phase.
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Psoriasis vs acne -minocycline HCL

I developed acne when I was 14-15 years old. I consulted a skin specialist and he gave me some tablets and a gel. Within a month I got psoriasis and it was very rapid. Then I took Ayurvedic medication and everything was under control . From the past 5-6 years I have bend/acne type in my arm-pits. Consulted numerous physicians but it dint go 100%. Then I consulted the same skin specialist which I had consulted 10 yrs ago which resulted in a blunder (triggering psoriasis). He gave minocycline hydrochloride n said it is a type of acne which I have in my arm pits. But when I read about this medicine, it seems this also triggers psoriasis.... Please help me understand about this and suggest me accordingly. Surgery will be my last option to remove that bend(acne) in my arm pits as it is from years and has not cleared 100%.
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I am 22 years old female.. My doctor prescribed me Minym Er 65 mg for my acne.. Medical shop gave me Minoz Er 65 mg instead of Minym.. Are they same medicine??
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