Recently Answered Questions on Lobet


HT on lobet

Planning to conceive. Earlier taking lobet & now taking amlopress. Can ceftas be taken in throat infection
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Lobet 100mg at the time of pregnancy.

My wife is pregnant right now 36 weeks past.She is suffering from high blood pressure 130/90. doctor prescribed lobet 100mg. After having that she had head ache too. Is any problem to have lobet capsule at the time of pregnancy.
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Fungal infection in inner tigh

I have jock itch. need suggestion. used lobet gm but did not see any progress.
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Wired rashes on legs.

Hi,, I have got etchy rashes on the legs which looks bit wired. I am not sure what to do with it. I have used lobet cream for a while but it did not decrease. What is could be..
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Fungal inspefection in groin.

I have this fungal inspection in my groin since last three four years. Consult different docs but not get ride of same problem completely. Using Lobet gm, candid, quardiderm etc.
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Skin rashes on feet

Rashes on feet and itching a lot and white color skins are coming out. Tried with lobet GM cream but no luck.
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Fungal infection

Approximately 18 years ago I hane reddening on nose. Little bit burning.itching  also Since then tried many medicine, no effect. Now using lobet gm.
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Feet skin disease

Hi Doctor, I am getting itching on my feet and white color skins are coming out. Tried with lobet gm cream but not worked. Please help Thanks Koushik
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BP issues before and during pregnancy

Hi all, I used to have high bp and waw taking amlong5 mg and lobet 100 mg.. i conceived and doctor changed tablet to Nicardia 20 mg.. but the bp was not much of control and i was having palpitations.. so doctor recommended to take Nicardia 10 mg and lobet 100mg morning and night.. is it safe to take so many tablets for bp during pregnancy? Currently 10 weeks pregnant.
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High bp in pregnancy

Hello, i am 7 month pregnant and i got high bp problem from my 6th month pregnancy. For this, doctor advised me to take lobet 50mg once a day. my bp rate is always between 130 to 140. But by taking medicine, the bp rate should be down but My bp rate always remains like this. Should I change the medicine or try some home remedies to keep my bp rate under control??? Please suggest me..
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