Recently Answered Questions on Hucog


Pregnancy related

My wife is 8 weeks pregnant and we got the first ultrasound done for the same .The growth of the baby is not proper ( 6 weeks ) as per ultrasound we have consulted our doctor and she has suggested to take Hucog 5000 iu for two weeks plz suggest is it safe to take ?
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Pregnancy 1st trimester

My wife is pregnant and recently one of the gynaecologists gave her HUCOG 5000 Hp injection for 4 weeks on a weekly basis. I read in google that it should not be given to pregnant lady. Please suggest as what to do. Also, she is developing PITYRIASIS ROSEA. I am not sure what to do.
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Initial stage of pregnancy

Hi,my wife is in initial stage of pregnancy ,we also in contact with a doctor but doctor prescribed some medicines ie folichem,avinorm and  injection named as HUCOG 5000 in every it safe the injection during pregnancy ?
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Regarding duphaston

I had been on clomiphene from day 5 to day 10,taken  hucog 5000 im on day 12.on day 12 follicle measured 22mm with good vascularity, I am on day 16 today my doctor advised me to take duphaston 10mg daily, am I pregnant
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Pregnancy & HCG injections

1st cycle of HCG injections of 150 ml on 3rd, 5th, 7th days of periods are given. Follicular study also done and 10,000 units of HUCOG injection was also given. Like this how many cycles injections to be taken for getting pregnant?
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In pregnancy facing problem in 3rd month

I am 10 weeks pregnant.i am suffering from tyroid tsh my dr given 15 day one injection Hucog 5000HP..why use this injection? any problem in all report ok.. only use medicine folic acid..and a syrup for omting... plz suggest me!
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Alcohol consumption

My wife has undergone hucog 10000 I U injection today to conceive fast. Her gynae has told us to intercourse tomorrow. I am attending a party and would like to know can I take one or two beer bottles. Please suggest Thanks
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Query about i know kit & HFA-Q10 Capsule

Query No - 1 We are visiting a gynaecologist for my wife's primary infertility problem and she also have hypothyroidism and low vitamin D3 level and also having irregular periods and our doctor suggested us HFA - Q10 from Pharma Ethics Company Capsule (which is difficult to arrange) Can you suggest any substitute of this or any other similar capsule or tablet. Query No - 2 Our doctor suggested Letroz tablet for 5 days in last cycle but that wasn't successful with Hucog 5000 IU injection and told us to repeat the same but last time she recommended USG follicular studies to detect ovulation but this time she recommended i know kit to check ovulation how can we know about ovulation with this kit while we use Hucog IU 5000 injection for ovulation. How we will know about the right time to inject Hucog IU 5000 injection. Thank You
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Trying to concieve

I have taken letrizole- 5mg , 2 tab from 2nd to 6th day. Then follicle size of 28mm rupture after taking 2 hucog injection 10,000 & 5,000 on 12th day and now for uterine linning she is taking progynova-2mg twice a day. What are the chances of pregnancy in her case.
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Trigger shot minimum time to work

Hello, On my 15th my egg size is 22 mm and ET 8.3 mm. That day my dr suggested for Hucog 10000 iu injection. Does 22 mm of follicle size good for taking a trigger shot and is there chance for conceiving.
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