Recently Answered Questions on Hucog


Ovulation study for conceiving

I am 30 years old married 2.5 years before having regular periods on every 28/29 days of cycle. Trying to get conceive from last 1 year . visited gynaecologist before 7months she suggested to try naturally for 3 months more prescribed folic acid Tablet daily 1and suggested keep relationship mainly between 12th to 16th day of cycle. We followed it but not conceived so she had suggested to do a follicular study from day 11th,on day 14follicle size became 22 mm. She prescribed HUcog 5000IUI injection n did a sonography on day 16 in which it is found that follicle is not ruptured n it became a haemorrhagic cyst. Doctor told me to visit in next cycle. I visited her on day 2nd she prescribed Letsi2.5 for 5 days n tablet Ovabless Myo daily 1 n suggested to do follicular study from day 12th in this cycle size of follicle on day 15th is 22mm on same day I took hucog 10000 n did a sonography on 16 day but follicle is not ruptured n it became a cyst. Is it serious cause of infertility ?
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Spotting during High Risk Pregnancy

My wife is 8 weeks pregnant and she has subchronic collection of 0.3cc as diagnosed 2 weeks ago. She has been taking Susten sr200 and Hucog injection weekly and advised bed rest. 3-4 days ago, she had green spot early morning on pad and nothing until today morning again very light green spot. She also had red spotting very light today once. Is everything okay or do I need to worry about something? I have got almost all tests done a week ago and everything was normal, no infection or hiv or anything.
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In torch test CMV IGG becomes positive..

Dear Doctors, While doing TVS ultrasound at 7 weeks there is no fetal pole seen,doctors advised to wait for another 10 days and said to start duphastal 10 mg and hucog 5000 iu injection and then he said to do ultrasound after 10 days.Meanwhile he had given some test like beta hcg and torch test.beta hcg was increased from first test after 48 hrs but in torch test cmv igg was positive.will pregnancy remains or it will misscarraige.whether CMV IGG is STI and dangerous like other viruses like HIV etc..plz advice
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6 weeks LPM but 5 weeks on ultrasound.

As per my LPM I should be 6 weeks pregnant but through TVS today the doctor said I am 5 weeks pregnant and I don't have to worry or get scared. They gave HUCOG HP 5000 injection (twice) and asked me to take it again after a week. I am also prescribed susten sr 300, stafit, moringa oleifera syrup for the next 10 days. Next scan on 8th august. After TVS, they took blood test and they said everything is fine and prescribed all these but unfortunately the doctor had to leave so I couldnt discuss about this. I want to know if this has risks of miscarriage or preterm because I am stressed and I was extensively researching all the prescribed tablet components and I kepts seeing these words repeatedly. Please advice. Is this common or should I be worried? LMP- 11th june.
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Conceiving problem

Hello Dr. I am 31yr old and married for 4yrs. My husband and are trying for a child for almost 8mnths now. I visited a gynac and am given the below list of medicine to consume FertisureF: 1time Dupahston:1time Progyanova 2mg: twice Folvite ( folic):1time I was also given HUCOG 10000 injection. I have done my sonosalphingography and all the reports are normal. My period cycle is 28-31 days approx. My husbands semen test are also normal. Why us there a delay in pregnancy. Please guide me what is wrong in process. After having relationship how much time should i not visit the washroom to clean. How much time should i keep lying on the bed.
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Break in taking susten 200

Hello i am on an induced cycle and trying to concieve. my last period was on 3 jan. i got hucog 10000 on 13 jan and ovulation occured on 14 jan. sexual contact on 14 and 15 jan. susten 200 twice a day from 16 - 28 jan (14 days). didnt have susten on 29 jan. called up doctor yesterday and she asked me to resume susten till 3 feb as i didnt have period yet. i couldnt get susten in village and i got it today in nearby the gap allowed? or shall i drop taking it? cant reach my gyane hence asking here. also my doc said susten supports pregnancy. if i am taking susten and not pregnant, will i even get a period?
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Not sure if follice is going to rupture

Folliclmetry scans day 10 - left ovary df 13*12 endo 9mm day 12 - 18*18 endo 11mm given leprolide trigger 2amp day 13 another leprolide trigger 2 amp day 15 scan  df18*20 shows thickened follice wall not ruptured given hucog 5000iu trigger. I have pcod,trying to concieve since 1 year have 7 year old girl Does my cycle have a chance ?
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IUI after ovulation

I was due to get double IUI's this cycle. I had 3 follicles on day 11 ie. 18.5 on right ,16 and 15 on left. My Gynae told me to take trigger on day 12 (8 pm). I had bad stomach cramps like ovulation cramps since day 12 - 3 pm. I took hucog 5000 injection as suggested by my doctor at 8. Today ( day 13) I went for ultrasound and was told that my follicles have already ruptured. My doctor told me we'll do only 1 IUI as I have already ovulated. I am due to get IUI today at 5. Is it worth to get IUI today as follicles have already ruptured?
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Reg USG Obs

Hi Last LMP was on 16/05/2022 Our doctor suggested beta Hcg test and reports of test are as follows :- Beta HCG level - 114.72 On 21/06/2022 Beta HCg level - 191.34 On 23/06/2022 Beta Hcg level  -  437.08 On 27/06/2022 Query no 1 - are the beta Hcg levels going good or are too slow? Do the Hucog injection can help to boost Hcg levels or is there any other methods. Query No 2 - we have done USG Obs on 01/07/2022 today for pregnancy. Reports attached. Kindly guide about reports. Is there a real pregnancy or it is a ectopic pregnancy.
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My wife is 7 weeks pregnant

Hi, I need a second opinion. My wife is 7 weeks pregnant right now. One year ago she was pregnant and was diagnosed with blighted ovum and had to undergo dnc. Her periods were not regular and doc said she had pcos and had given medicines (Meta time). During last month she got pregnant and we consulted the doc again. Doctor has prescribed to take progestrone 200 mg tabs every day once and injection of 500 mg weekly once and Hucog 5000 iu once in 2 weeks. I am worried since all these medications are progestrone will it have any side affects and should she be taking so much of it. Please help and thank you in advance.
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