Recently Answered Questions on Hucog


Planning for pregnancy

I'm 1 1/2 year married. Planning for pregnancy last 1month i.e jan 2020. I have meet the gyno for suggestions. Last month i.e on may I have took letrozole tablet's and EV tablet's still i got periods. Please find the attachment which is follicular study scan report of the current month. My gyno suggested me to take HUCOG HP 5000 units injection. As per the reports please suggest me if i really need to undergo for medication or can I try naturally without medication.
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Regarded chance of pregnancy

I have mild pco pattern in ovary, ovulation induction done with clomiphene, on day 12 follicle was 22mm hucog 5000 units injection taken, on day 15 upt showed mild positive, on day 17 tvs done and showed ET as 16mm, freefluid in pod, collapsed follicle in the same ovary, my doctor started me on duphaston 10mg bd. What is happening inside me, kindly help
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Will i conceive??

My follicular study report attached My periods are regular 29-30 day cycle, bleeding normal Done inj Hucog on 14th day.Question is 1. Is there any chance of rupture of that 31*31mm follicle 2. Why it is not rupturing on 16th day?? 3.Should i continue the intercourse, will i be pregnant this month?? 4. What will be the further steps?? Thank you
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Pregnant for 7weeks

I had a miscarriage of 4months baby it's my first baby now I conceived after six months of miscarriage I was taking injections once in a week (gestofit) suddenly I had spotting (light bleeding) I rushed to consult my doctor and had scan heart beat was OK and she replaced the ingections (hucog 500) she's told that in my scan the baby is one week late in growth it's showing 5weeks 6days but actually it had to be 6weeks 6days. I want to know what's my problem....
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I am 30 years old married 2.5 years before having regular periods on every 28/29 days of cycle. Trying to get conceive from last 1 year . But not conceived I went to gynaecologist before 5months she suggested to try naturally for 3 months  more prescribed folic acid Tablet daily 1and suggested keep relationship mainly between 12th to 16th day of cycle. We followed it but not conceived so she had suggested to do a follicular study from day 11th, day 14follicle size became 22 mm. She prescribed HUcog 5000IUI injection. After taking injection again did a sonography on day 16 in which it is found that follicle is not ruptured n it became a haemorrhagic cyst. Doctor told me to visit me again when your next period will start on 1st or 2nd .I visited her on day 2nd she prescribed Letsi2.5 for 5 days n tablet Ovabless Myo daily 1 suggested to do follicular study from day 12th ,on dqy 15th size of follicle is 22mm i took hucog 10000 but still not ruptured n become a cyst
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Ovulation study for conceiving

I am 30 years old married 2.5 years before having regular periods on every 28/29 days of cycle. Trying to get conceive from last 1 year . visited gynaecologist before 7months she suggested to try naturally for 3 months more prescribed folic acid Tablet daily 1and suggested keep relationship mainly between 12th to 16th day of cycle. We followed it but not conceived so she had suggested to do a follicular study from day 11th,on day 14follicle size became 22 mm. She prescribed HUcog 5000IUI injection n did a sonography on day 16 in which it is found that follicle is not ruptured n it became a haemorrhagic cyst. Doctor told me to visit in next cycle. I visited her on day 2nd she prescribed Letsi2.5 for 5 days n tablet Ovabless Myo daily 1 n suggested to do follicular study from day 12th in this cycle size of follicle on day 15th is 22mm on same day I took hucog 10000 n did a sonography on 16 day but follicle is not ruptured n it became a cyst. Is it serious cause of infertility ?
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Regarding Follicular Studies

Today we visited a lab for follicular studies test and reports are attached. But after 6-7 hours later she is having pain in her stomach. Can you please tell us what to do about follicular studies and stomach pain. She had taken Letroz from 3rd day of last LMP which was on 16.05.2022. Mainly we want to know about follicular growth and is it needed for Hucog 5000 IU for egg rupture. And also one more thing about that in March month her periods were irregular and her gynaecologist suggested her dydroboon and this month her periods arrived on time. Is it necessary to take dydroboon again from this month and from which date she can start taking dydroboon tablet. Thank You
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Gynae prob urgent

I am on TTC all my reports are normal. I am on folliculometric study follicle size on 14 th day 20×14.5 took hucog 5000 injection.I had clome 50 mcg twice daily 3- 7 days. Lat lmp 13 th nov. She told me to take duphaston 10 mg twice daily from 16 th day. My egg may rupture within 36 hrs. So is it safe to take duphaston on 16 th day?  Is duphaston necessary. Will it be any harm if i dont take duphaston. My endometrium measures 9 . Please help.
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Planning for pregnancy

Hi Doctor, my Gyno suggested ovva shield tablet's for 21days and also injection HUCOG which i took and in the f/s they have confirmed that the ruptured follicle from right ovary, me and my husband were together for 4days as suggested by doctor. My period cycle is 28days cycle but i got periods on 26th. What can be the reason? My husband report's are normal. I haven't took any fruits which produces heat like pineapple or pappaya. I generally do brisk walking for 30mins i.e 3k steps. What can be the reason for not getting pregnant after medication. PL help me with the answer.
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Pregnancy and hcg injections

My wife's age 35. She is having PCOD. Last month she has taken HCG injections on 3rd, 5th , 7th day of periods. HUCOG injection 10000 units on one day also given . Follicular study done , endometrium thickness 10.1mm, egg ruptured. But exactly on 30th day spotting seen, 31st day also spotting, from 32nd day free flow , and continued till 5 days as usually takes place during periods. That means not pregnant? Or shall we wait and go for pregnancy test? If not pregnant... Shall we continue the same process of injections and follicular study for another cycle? How many cycles required to get pregnant?
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