Recently Answered Questions on Clovate


Clovate cream in pregnancy

I have been using Clovate cream for my vitiligo. I am a 27 year old woman. I am 3 weeks pregnant. Can I still continue my medication?
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Clovate cream substitute

I was prescribed Clovate cream for my psoriasis. I am a 35 year old man from a low socioeconomic background. Can you suggest another cream?
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Clovate cream for Vitiligo

Can we use Clovate 0.5 mg/g cream for vitiligo ? My grandfather has white patches on hands and legs.
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Does Clovate 0.5 mg cream for whipatches

Hi,my mom suffering from white patches over hands ,feet and few in face too, so does the clovate 0.5mg cream does useful if not could you please suggest any other treatment . Thank you
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Psoriasis skin all over body

Hi i was wondering another cream the clovate i bought it in spain and have been using it for paoriasis and as cleared it up a bit but in the uk the doctor said never heard of it do you know another cream that is a replacement of the clovate
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Regarding white patches on my lrg

I have white small patches on my both legs below the ankles if this clovate .5mg/g cream is this useful........
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White spot on skin

Can clovate 0.5mg cream can be used to treat white spots on skin and other disease like vitiligo? Please help.
19695 Views hidden

Skin problem

Can clovate 0.5mg cream can be used to treat white spots on skin and other disease like vitiligo? Please help.
6942 Views hidden

White patch on right cheek

I have on the white patch ,like map type from birth time,present my age was 20 so ,how i can remove that white patch by using clovate it is helpful or not? Please
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Leukoderma - white patch

There are white patches on skin in thigh and neck part , It has however not get spread to other parts , its been arnd 2 years it same . i came accross clovate cream so want to enquire is it helful for repigmentation.
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