Recently Answered Questions on Cansoft


Vaginal yeast infection

I have issue of recurrent yeast infection. I have tried everything from Cansoft to Fentozac and taking Zocon as I had Candida Dubliniensis type of candida. Also I have a cyclic infection, close to my periods. Even during the time of the cycle When I don't have the infection, my vagina is sore and have problem with intercourse, wherein my partner also feels uncomfortable due to prickly feeling. I'm planning for pregnancy. What long term course of medicine can I do to prevent this.
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Vaginal itching, white discharge,burning

I had prescribed VDM kit cansoft vaginal pessary n Terbinaforce cream for LA taken for 3 months, no relief. Pap smear shows severe inflammatory smears. Colposcopy shows metaplasia with mild dysplasia. Dr. Advised me to go for cryotherapy. I don't want to go for therapy. Is there any other medical treatment (oral medication)
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Pain in pelvic area

15 days before my wife was diagnosed with UTI. After a course of medication her reports came normal after 13 days. But suddenly yesterday morning at 01.00am she was complaining of burning inside vagina after urination. So i took her to doc after that and she took urine test and test result was normal. So doc prescribed medicines like probiotics for 1 month , cansoft cl, and fas 3 kit for both of us. Out of these probiotic and fas 3 kit first ताब was taken by her today and cansoft cl yesterday. But from today morning after these medicines she is saying that some whirling type sensation leading to mild pain in pelvic area is present. So can you please suggest some measures to reduce pain and why the pain is present when everything is normal neither we mated since 5 days. She had her periods on 10 jan 2021.
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Is progesterone injection is needed afte

Hi doctors, My wife has experienced a preterm pregnancy at 26 wk . Unfortunately the baby did not survive. So doctor suggested for the cervical stitch for next pregnancy. So as my wife is pregnant now, stitch operation has done at 14th wk after NT scan report. Doctor had prescribed dydraboon, ritodrine, folvite and cansoft-cL. Any progesterone injection did not suggested. Can you please guide us that is it okay what the medicine she is taken?
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Yeast infection

Pap smear showed candida fungus. Irritation and burning at one side of vagina opening. Labia soreness and itching controlled by candid b cream . But what do I use for the burning and redness sensation on the entrance of vagina. No burning inside vagina just on the entrance of it. Already had 3 days of cansoft vaginal suppository and fluco 150 mg having 3 times a week for a month
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Vaginal infection

I am suffering from Vaginal infection. I used to take Cansoft CL suppository. It was temporary. Didn't workout. Visited doctor she prescribed me ointment surdas SN and tablets like Laveta 5mg, . It was fine for 2.5weeks. again I have itchy and white discharge. Very often I get this. Especially after intercourse with my husband I get it. But he doesn't have any Infection. I don't know why do I get this. I have attached her prescription too. Please do suggest me a permanent solution for this problem..
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Vaginal fungal yeast infection

Itching and burning in around vagina wit pain my doc gave me flucanzol 150mg, candid b create and foxy week course , selova 1 month, cansoft cl 3 tabs, also cranberry tans 6 days. My itching stopped but now I hv pink discharge like mucus. . Also abdominal pain and loose motions. I hv hypothyroidanddiabetes
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Enterococcus faecalis during pregnancy

Currently 15+2 weeks pregnant. In high vaginal swab it showed moderate growth of Enterococcus faecalis. My symptoms were increased yellow colour discharge. Currently my doctor prescribed Cansoft - CL Clotrimazole and Clindamycin vaginal Suppositories. And I have been using it for 6 days now, my discharge has stopped. Does this mean infection has been cured? Do i need to take any other medication apart from this? Please do share tips for better hygiene to prevent any other infections in future. I also have history of miscarriage due to incompetent cervix. I have a cervical cerclage + pessary placed.
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Could someone tell me more about the lepthothrix organism and what I can do to get rid of it? Apparently, lepthothrix organism cells are seen in my pap smear, last time i was sexually active was 2 months back, it was protected before that i had unprotected sex multiple times and my symptoms are greyish-white, think but watery discharge with a chemicalized odour and itchiness, pain before and after urination and this infection has been around for 7 months, 4 sets of medications and it hasn't been erradicated (fas 3 kit & clingen forte (thrice), cansoft, nuforce CD 3, flagyl 400 & lacto bacilli for 14 days)  Please tell me more about this organism and what i should do to remove it.
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Side effects after medication

I had a profuse bleaching vaginal discharge that would go from milky white to yellowish green with a chemicalized odour. It would be watery and then be sticky. The last time had unprotected sex was around 3 months back after that i had protected sex about a month ago and haven't been sexually active ever since. I went to the gynac and she prescribed cansoft cl suppository and triben antifungal cream. It's been a day since i used the suppository and cream and i had excessive slightly transparent vaginal discharge, is that supposed to happen?
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