Recently Answered Questions on Cansoft


Vaginal itching discharge earlypregnancy

Can I use cansoft cl at 7-8 weeks pregnancy as vaginal itching and smelly brown discharge? Will it negatively affect the baby ? Please advise
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Zocon 200 dosage

Fungal infection of vagina. What is the dosage of zocon 200 to be taken? Cansoft being used . Two tablets at once or one tablet of zocon 200?
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16 weeks pregnant

I have yeast infection and my doctor prescribed ciplox 500, cansoft and meftal spas and im 16 weeks pregnant can I take this medication.
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Candoft cl

My partner just took cansoft cl yesterday first dose. After insertion, the white discharge was more heavy than usual. Is this normal or a thing to worry about? Thanks in advance.
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Vaginal infection

Hi All, I was prescribed by my doctor to use cansoft cl vaginal pessary. But when i tried inserting, it was hurting and i couldnt push it inside completely. I could only take it half way through. Will it affect and do i have very serious infection that i was unable to insert it.?
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Pregnancy i

Hi I am 25 weeks pregnant. I am having itching in the vagina. So my doctor prescribed CANSOFT-CL,vaginal tablets.The same one I had used 17 days before. So is there any problem in taking this tablet again? Will it affect the baby?
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Vaginal itching

Hi, I am married 30years old. I have been experiencing itchy vagina sometime almost every month. I take cansoft suppositories which kind of solves the problem after two to three days taking the full course. For precautionary am also using vwash during bath. The itching has started again this month. Please advise.
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Veginal itching

How cansoft cl should be used means after insertion into vagina should we keep the vegina open or should wear underwear because after insertion some white discharge get sout
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Watery discharge after cerclage

I am 14 weeks pregnant and went through cervical cerclage 2 days back due to short cervix of 2.4cm. Since I also had some infection in vagina , my doc suggested to use Cansoft vaginal suppository for 3 days. Last night after inserting this, I observed watery discharge along with some remains of the capsule. In the morning as well felt myself a little wet with some watery discharge. Is this normal after using cansoft or something to be worried abt water leak
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I had protected sex with my partner on 28th of October. After 3 days it started severe itching inside vaginal hole and surrounding skin. Having foul smell and unusual discharge. I consulted a dr and she gave me clotrimazole metronidazole and propazole.. Infection reduced. But now for the past 3 days it started again and dr without testing gave me "cloben g","fluconazole","cansoft CL" How to insert cansoft cl... What is the method of it
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