Recently Answered Questions on Cansoft


Itching in vagina

After taking cansoft CL i feel more itchy in my vagina, it's uncomfortable for me.. Please suggest me what to do now..
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Vaginal itching and infection

I was advised to use cansoft cl by my doctor due to infection. Its a 3 days course. I had completed course but still  I have Vaginal itching. I am 28 weeks pregnant. what should I do?? Can I continue with cansoft CL ??
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Doctor prescribed medicine related query

Doctor prescribed me cansoft locally  for there any alternative for this? Can i avoid using this as i am already taking medicines orally as prescribed by the doctor?
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Pregnancy related problem

I had intercourse with my husband in the afternoon and today night I should insert cansoft cl. Can i?? I am using since 2days. My doctor prescribed me
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I have been diagnosed with cansoft safe to use.what alternative can be used as i am scared to use it
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Dosage of medicine

Can you please let me know dosage of fas 3 kit, and cansoft CL vaginal tab for 6 days (when to take and how many in a day?) Thanks.
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Vaginal infection

Hi mam iam 20 week in pregnancy I getting light green white discharge doctor gave me cansoft cl for 3 night .I used cansoft cl over night today there is leakage of medicine and light green watery discharge, is ths normal?
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Ectroption in the mouth of uterus.. I've done my pap smear... Everything is normal.. She prescribed me cansoft cl vaginal suppositories for 6 days.. Can I've intercourse since this is my ovulation period.. And can we use cansoft cl while trying to conceive?
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Vaginal and vulva itching

I have been suffering from Itching inside my vagina and on the vulva. I went to a gynaecologist and she prescribed me cansoft cl and Fas-3 kit. I have taken the given Fas-3 kit 2 weeks ago and have been inserting Cansoft cl. But the itching is still there and it actually worsens after I use Cansoft CL. I have also been given Candid-B tube. It works for sometime but goes back to itching. What should I do?
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Vaginal itching discharge earlypregnancy

Can I use cansoft cl at 7-8 weeks pregnancy as vaginal itching and smelly brown discharge? Will it negatively affect the baby ? Please advise
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