Recently Answered Questions on Cansoft


Tablet cansoft-CL

I have been adviced to use cansoft-cl but there is no instruction given on the tablet even on the prescription information and on internet it isn't defined properly, basically I want to know how to insert it properly do i need to lie on bed? or I can insert it in washroom and then can lie on my bed? pls tell
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Can you pee after cansoft cl tab

I'm 28 weeks pregnant and having infection I inserted cansoft cl vaginal suppository.i waited for 45 and peed .does the medicine still works .after the insertion I'm peeing more and having burning sensation...plz someone explain!!
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How to use cansoft CL vaginal suppositor

I am 30 weeks pregnant and on bed rest due to low cervix. Due to infection, I have been advised to take 3 day course of cansoft CL vaginal suppository. How deep does it need to be inserted? Any precautions ? Pre-pregnancy used to insert as deep as can but how to do now?
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Is cansoft-CL safe during breast feeding

I am breastfeeding my 9 months old baby. Is it safe to use vaginal suppositories Cansoft-CL for vaginal infection?
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Pregnancy-Bartholin Absis-Cansoft-Ceftum

My wife has been diagnosed with bartholin wifes gynaecologist suggested to take Cansoft CL and Ceftum 500mg. could anyone confirm if cansoft CL vaginal suppository and ceftum 500 mg safe to be used during pregnancy. Could anyone confirm if it's safe to consume during pregnancy. My wife's 26 weeks pregnant. I would like to have a second opinion..could anyone please suggest if these medications are necessary and are  safe to take in during this time?
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Light red discharge after Cansoft CL

Yesterday gynecologist prescribed me Clotrimazole and Clindamycin Vaginal Suppositories Cansoft -CL for my vaginal infection. After inserting, I have noticed a very light red small amount discharge from my vagina. Is it normal or something to worry about? Please help me.
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Cansoft cl is safe during 15 week pregna

I am G4A2E1. Having little bit of discomfort while passing urine. My doctor recommended cansoft cl for 3 days. Is it safe ?
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Cansoft CL during periods

What if I had inserted casoft-cl and the same night I had my periods but after inserting it in, so what am I supposed to do? Like do i just need to wait and discontinue the vaginal suppositories Or do i need to go to doctor?
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Vaginal Infection

Can I insert Cansoft cl on my own or should I go to a clinic/hospital for the same. Kindly let me know asap
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Vaginal tablet during periods

I am on my periods, can I still use cansoft cl(vaginal suppository), please suggest or should i discontinue using it.
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