Recently Answered Questions on Cansoft


Worried for take cansoft cl

Can I take cansoft cl during period ?I am worried for this question. I have 6 course.
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Cansoft cl

I was asked to insert cansoft cl for vaginal infection. 1st day i could insert easily but2nd day i just couldn't insert it... Vagina wastoo tight and burning a lot. I m 33 weeks pregnant.
18846 Views hidden

Cansoft cl

I had inserted cansoft cl last night and now after 7-8 hours I noticed some discharge yellowish white in colour. I am very scared what's that I am in 8 week of my pregnancy as well
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Cansoft cl capsule how to use .

I want to know how i can use cansoft cl capsule and how long i need to keeo it ater inserting. Please explain and advice in detail.
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Sex while taking cansoft course

My doctor suggested cansoft for 6 days . Can I have relationship with my husband while taking this medicine.? Will this have any adverse effect on me and my husband. ?
1156 Views hidden

Can we use cansoft-CL during pregnancy

Is it safe using cansoft-CL for vaginal yeast infection. During pregnancy at 12 weeks. Will it affect baby. Need suggestion
822 Views hidden

Cansoft cl

I consulted gyn for white discharge. My white discharge is sometimes watery or dry. Sometimes it is thick. Is it infection? Doctor suggested me to take cansoft cl vaginal pessary for 7 days. I am using it. But I can see tablet as a discharge now in the morning. Is it fine? Or can I take flucanozale tablet instead of that. Please suggest.
3621 Views hidden

Using cansoft 200 mg can i do sex

I m using cansoft cl 200 mg for past 2 days then now can i have sex with my husband and can i get pregant by using this tabulate doctor as prescribed for totally 6 days till now i used it for 2 days
5118 Views hidden

I was advised to use cansoft cl

I was advised to use cansoft cl by my doctor due to infection. Its a 3 days course. I just wanted to know after apply or using the medicine after how long can I go to the bathroom if it's an urgency
12961 Views hidden

Can I use cansoft cl  for 4 days

I have a vaginal infection. The doctor prescribed ciproflaxin and cansoft cl suppository. After using the suppository for 3 days I still feel a little bit of  itching and irritation. Should I continue for 2 more days or 3 days is enough?
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