Recently Answered Questions on Biosterone-Depot


Proluton depot

Can stopping proluton depot at 31weeks taken from 27 weeks cause any problem? I'm not at risk for preterm but for safety I was put on this injection.
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Doctor has given proluton depot.

I am 14 weeks pregnant and at 12 weeks, I had light bleeding for a day. Doctor has given proluton depot twice a week. My question, if I delay one day to take it, is there any harm?
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Luprorin or lupride depot

What is the difference between luprorin 4mg injection and lupride depot 3.75 injection. Both have same drug then why is luprorin 200 rupees and lupride depot 4000 rupees?
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Susten after proluton depot

Can we take susten tab after taking proluton depot injection 500mg will there be any side effects after the intake
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Clopixol Depot and Covaxin Vaccination

My mother has taken Clopixol Depot 200mg 5 days ago and day after tomorrow is her Vaccination date for Covaxin Is it safe for my mother to take Covid Vaccination? Please help She is on BP, diabetic with blood thinners medications. Will sh have any side effects ?
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Overly bloated and on the depot shot

I've been on the depot shot for a little over a month. I had my period a couple weeks back and it lasted for 8 days. I know that the depot shot can make you bloated. And my right side is sometimes hard. My friend said it could be my appendix. Could I be pregnant? I took a pregnancy test a little over a month ago and it said I wasn't pregnant
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Proluton depot 500 mg

Can proluton depot injection delayed by 1 week .to be scheduled to take in 15 days interval every month if delayed by 5 days,is any harm
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Proluton depot injection

I have taken proluton depot injection does this injection will increase my cervix size. and also for how many days this this injection effects as i have taken 500 mg.
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Depot provera 150mg

Hello Doctors, I have been diagnosed with Genital TB taking ATT since last 2 months and diagnosed with Adenomyosis with bulky Uterus so doctor prescribed me leupride 11.25mg but It didn't work so doctor told to take depot provera 150 mg  which I took last month but  now I'm afraid as I have heard that after taking this injection it takes at least 10 months for conception
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Proluton depot reg

Hello, I have been given Proluton Depot injection (5 doses) in my 5th/6th month of pregnancy, wanted to know if that will stop my labor pains in the final weeks?? I did not find answer to it online , not in side effects of Proluton too, please advise I am in my 37th week now and have no signs of labor induce.
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