Recently Answered Questions on Atorvastatin


Chest pain

As per TMT report- tmt is mildly positive for provocable ischemia Please suggest for Now Taking atonolol 50mg and atorvastatin up 10mg
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Can statin increase creatinine levels ?? Doctor has recommended atorvastatin 20mg ..last 3months ago creatinine was 1.0... now it's 1.18. please help. Is this level high 1.18.?? How much it should be?? Can decrease in power of atorvastatin reduce creatinine levels??
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High cholesterol

Hi doctor, I am having High cholesterol, for that I am using atorvastatin 10 mg, I just want to know if I can eat raw or roasted peanuts. I heard peanuts will increase the cholesterol, is it correct?
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Taking meds before cat scan

Should i take metropolol and atorvastatin before a cat scan if I have not eaten and don;t have a strong somach I have to take redi cat drink
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High blood pressure 160/120

I am 48 yo male having high bp problem for last 20 years. I am taking medicines but could not get better with the condition. Medication: atorvastatin,aspirin,hydrazine & amlodipine Please advice..
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Medicine combination

Hi, Will there be any problem in having these three tablets together: Atorvastatin 10 mg, CalciQuick-500, Becopen-12 She has cholesterol and IBS problems. Thanks
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For medicine

According to my blood test report can I take medicine atorvastatin tablets 10 mg it's very urgently thank you
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Echo report

Hello, i want to know that can a 2d echo report reversed within 2-3 day. LVEF was 49% and now its 60%. There is no abnormalities in ecg now. Is this possible? Pt is taking atorvastatin 80mg.
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Tmt report

Please give some suggestions whether it is ok or not.reports are attached. The pain comes and goes. Medicine - atorvastatin 10mg Bp normal FBS - 102 under controlled diet no medicine Creatinine - 1.18
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High cholesterol

Hi my triglycerides levels are 226 and vldl cholesterol is I need to take any cholesterol reducing tablets like atorvastatin. If so pls tell me the dosage.
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