Recently Answered Questions on Atorvastatin


Fatty liver grade 2

Hi I am 30 year old male. Medical doctor (MBBS) by profession. Last year, that is at the age of 29 I decided for routine checkup for first time. CBC- normal, RFT- normal, Thyroid profile- normal, Lipid Profile- LDL (direct) 186, HDL 32, Total Cholesterol 219, Tgs 200 LFT: Total Bilirubin 1.2, ALT 80, AST 50, ALP and GGT normal. Went for stress echo- normal USG abdomen - Grade 1 fatty liver Has history of premature cardiac disease ( Father had MI at age of 51, underwent PCI, and is okay now at the age of 63), is a smoker, sedentary lifestyle. Consulted cardiologist at my college who prescribed me atorvastatin 10 mg for 2 months. Didn't take statin at that time, went for lipid profile and LFT every 3 months. But every time had almost similar values everytime. Started statin ( atorvastatin 10mg hs, and occasionally 40mg) in February. Now, got routine checkup done a few days back. LFT: Total Bilirubin 2.7, ALT 115, AST 60, ALP and GGT normal Lipid Profile: LDL (direct) 8
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High cholesterol and triglycerides

6 months before, I was diagnosed with fatty liver with high level liver enzymes and high cholesterol & high triglycerides. I taken vitamin E and did diet control and cycling daily and loss weight from 73 kg to 64 kg & brought liver enzymes to normal. After liver enzymes are normal, started atorvastatin 20 mg as still high cholesterol (243) and triglycerides (343). After 2 months of taking statin, my cholesterol levels are normal but triglycerides still high (408). At the same time my liver enzymes are high again. Now I feel panic attack often and my blood pressure (140/90) and heart rate (114pm) raises when I feel panic attack. Should I withdraw statin? Or is it OK to taken? Doctor prescribed now Rosuvas F 10 mg and Bisoheart 2.5 mg.. please advise.
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Suddenly incresing of cholestrol level

Sir few days ago my wife had given the blood test and the results are follow below test name-total cholestrol , value-193mg/dl hdl cholestrol direct-45mg/dl ldl cholestrol direct-65 mg/dl triglycerides 679 mg/dl tc/hdl cholestril ratio -4.3 ldl/hdl ratio-1.4 vldl cholestrol-135.87 mg/dl non hdl cholestrol-148.2 mg/dl And she doenot have any kind of sugar and bp is also normal. now she is eating atorvastatin 10mg & fenofibrate 160 mg tablets i.p medicine name is tonact-tg. she is eating thyroxine tablets also for thyroid so i want to know that if there will be any problem by eating tonact tg what are its side effects  or it is safe to eat. and it will be helpfull to decreased my cholestrol level so can you tell my how can i decreased my cholestrol easily
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Tues of ringworms

Hey doc, Initially these were a few itchy ring shaped patches on my thighs, which was shocking to me. Later took few medicines from dermatologist which didn't work. Now it's been almost two and a half years an ointment named dermichem OC which always has been helpful no doubt. But these come agn n agn. A few months ago one ring appeared under my armpit then 1 under my chest. My immune system is no doubt weak. I'm a traveler working in sales therefore it is hard to maintain diet everytime. Have had almost an year history of increased triglycerides I usually take atorvastatin n supradyn which was prescribed by physician. But lipids issues took place after these rings. I'm dying to get rid of this. I'm not sure if it is eczema (atopic dermatitis) or it is something different. But certainly is weird n itchy to me. Kindly help me. Plz plz. I can come across Delhi for meetup . Kindly reply
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Pleural effusion due to heart issues

Hello sir, My grandfather (age 76 ) has pleural effusion due to heart failure.He had pleural tapping but the fluid accumulated again.He has shortness of breath and appetite loss.His condition worsens at night.He is not able to sleep at night due to shortness of breath. Doctor has prescribed these medicines- dytor 10mg atorvastatin tablets nitroglycerin controlled release tablets metoprolol tartrate tablets aspirin tablets i.p. 150 mg tamsulosin hydrochloride prolonged release capsules tiotropium bromide mh ip 9 mcg/ dose inhaler salmeterol and fluticasone propionate powder for inhalation i.p. Fluid analysis was done but the reports are normal and there is predominantly lymphocytes against a background of RBC .I am attaching the xray of  10/3/24(before Pleural tapping) What can we opt other than medications which is safe at this age?and what should we do for his shortness of breath at night?,he is not able to sleep at night
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Hypokalemia 3.18 potassium

Respected sir/ ma'am My mother is diabetic hypertensive patients. She is on below mentioned treatment Chlorthalidone 12.5 mg Atorvastatin clopidogrel Metformin gliclazide combination Sitagliptin She has ankle edema 15-20 ago so physician started chlorthalidone. Yesterday mummy has palpitations and nausea bloating chest burn, chest pain We went to trauma and ECG was done There is abnormality in ECG so physician suggested Coronary angiography so angiography is done. Angiography was normal. But for angiography cardiologist suggested few tests including Serum potassium and serum sodium Serum potassium value is 3.18 which is less than normal value..mild hypokalemia Is it because of diuretic or do we need to adjust dose or switch to other drug . What can we give to increase potassium level ? What are danger signs of hypokalemia so we can identify it and rush to hospital?? Please guide me sir Thank you sir
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High Serum Level

My father has one kidney by birth and following is his latest report.His creatinine level is 1.8 and serum urea is 80 mg/dl He has right back side pain for last 4 days. His weight is 89 kg.Is this serum urea high to a dangerous level? What treatment is suggested?  He is a diabetic type 2 patient,a hypertension patient since 15 years and a cholesterol patient as well.Doctor didn't prescribe him any medicine regarding Diabetes and asked him to control it through diet and exercise.Some medicines he's been taking for several years are Amlodipine Besylate, Hydrochlorothiazide/Lisinopril ( in combination) and Atenolol,Lipiget(Atorvastatin),Citanew(Escitalopram),Ascard (Aspirin),Fenoget (Fenofibrate),Neurobion ( Vit B1,B6,B12).Other than this he's been taking Centrum (supplements) as well.
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Brain stroke

Recently my father had a brain stroke on 13th of April 2021, and after that there was slight vision loss, almost 80% hearing and speech loss, he was not able to understand or respond,we took him in emergency where his CT scan, ECG and other tests were done, after all the test done doctor told there is blood clotting in his brain, and also my father is a diabetic and after all this checkup we found he had hypertension too, so the doctor prescribed Metformin twice a day Atorvastatin 40mg once,Dilsprin-75 once, glimepride before breakfast telma 40(teimisartan tablet) once, and Naxdom 500 if he has pain, we brought him back to home the next morning as per doctor advice, he was recovering well and after 3-4 days we felt he has recovered almost,now since 2 days he has a lot of pain in his head and there are some changes in his left eye, I mean swelling and when ever we give him Naxdom he feels relax for some time but again after some time pain continues, please suggest what shall I do now,
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Dobutamine stress echo

My mother is a breast cancer patient alongwith other prblms like BP thyroid diabetes and she is taking Aspirin n Atorvastatin since Dec 2019, Her 5 chemo are done n up for surgery, they need cardiologist clearance, she undergone for TMT but couldn't complete it due to low physical fitness, so oncologist suggested to have dobutamine test done, She is taking Metformin 500mg BD, , vildagliptin 50mg BD and glimiperide 2mg BD for sugar and telma 40mg BD and amlodipine 5mg OD for BP Just wanted to know can she take BP medicine in mrng before going for test, because in test her heart beat will rise so will be needing BP tablets after test , and if she takes it in the mrng then it will be double dose, and if she doesn't take then her BP rise due to miss of BP tablet, she takes her tablet at 6am approx and test will be done at 10am.. Plzz suggest what needs to be done. Test will be done tmrw mrng. Her ECG shows some changes but Dr said dats normal and echo is also normal
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Cough and Cold

Hello, I am Mrs. Sabita Tarafder, 69 years old. I was diagnosed with COVID more than 7 days back. I was prescribed the following medicines during covid treatment : Paracetamol 650 - during fever Ivermectin 12 - Once for 5 days Doxycycline 100 - Twice for 7 days Zincovit - 1 Becosule - 1 Limcee - 1 or 2 Vit D3 - 1 weekly Post Covid, I am taking the following medicines : Zincovit - 1 Vit. B complex - 1 Vit. C / Limcee - 1 or 2 (daily) Vit. D3 - 1 (weekly) Ascoril D / Piriton Expectorant - daily thrice I go through these medicines as my regular medication : Omez 20mg - (1) Telmasartan 40mg - (1) Torsemide 10mg - (2) Rosuvastatin 10mg - (1) Metformin Hydrochloride 500mg - (1) Febcot/Feburic 80mg - (1) Atorvastatin 10mg - (1) Antoxid HC - (1) Liv.52 - (2) Ursocol 300 - (1) Nitroglycerin /  Glyceryl Trinitrate 2.6mg - (1) Presently, I am coughing more often & while coughing I am having chest pain between the lungs. Coughing is causing breathing problem sometimes.
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