Recently Answered Questions on Atorvastatin


Muscle damage

Thigh pain-muscle gives out when walking, Legs, shoulders, arms and feet also have pain. My Primary care Dr. ran a blood test and said I had muscle damage and he hoped it was caught in time. He had me suspend taking Atorvastatin( Lipitor ). Labs out of range: Metabolic Panel - Calcium 8.4, Bun 31.0 CBCW/out Diff - Hemoglobin 3.66, Hematoctrit 12.3, MCV 101, MCH 33.5. It;s been 6 wks and no improvement. What is causing the damage and will the muscles heal? Should I see a specialist? What kind
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Goosebumps on legs only

My dad is suffering from goosebumps just on legs .. its occuring since approx 2 months . Age- 50 years old Weight - 70 or 80 kgs Past History :- HTN and increased DM Surgical history - 2011 - Open heart surgery Daily Medicines consuming - 1.Atorvastatin 2.Jusprin 3.concor 4.plavix 5.galvus met - 50/500 6. Amaryl - 1mg 7.meex 12 Plus
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Tmt report

Is there any blockage?Echo and ecg were normal.Triglycerides high 313 ldl 62 hdl 41 .Tests were done due to shortness of breath while walking  and  chest pain on walking long distance. Hypertension is also there.Left hand pain is also present.Cervical osteophytic lipping is present in lower cervical vertebrae shown in x ray.Are there any blockage?...age 52 yrs female.Dr prescribed isosorbide mononitrate 30 mg,metopropol 50 mg 2 a day and atorvastatin 40 mg in night due to high cholesterol and triglycerides.But no or very less relief in hand pain even after taking isosorbide monitrate 30mg.Is there any blockage.
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Covid 19 Vaccine

My Dad underwent Angioplasty (1 stent) in June 2020. He is on medication thereafter - Brilinta Ticagrelor 90mg, Betaloc Metoprolol Tartrate 25mg, Spironolactone 25mg, Aspirin 75mg, Atorvastatin 40mg and Telmisartan 20mg. His recent blood report shows 120000 platelet counts +  Clumps & Large size platelet are noted on the smeer. Rest all report is normal like - Thyroid, Sugar As we hear in the news about clotting caused by Covid vaccine is it safe for him to go ahead with the vaccine.
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Constipation. Motion 1 or 2 times a week

Male Aged 64. Taking Atorvastatin,olmesartan 20, metformin 850, Syndopa Plus, Pacitane,Petril Beta, B Complex Forte, Thyroxine 50. Eight years history. Have stopped aspirin - risk of internal hemmorhage. Take 4 glasses of water in the morning, eat 3-4 bunches of curry leaves, and some jeera seeds, and in the night a glass of milk sprinkled Haldi
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Very high ldl-c

I am 30 years old.. my ldl-c & tg values came 200 & 254 respectively.. my hdl-c is 45.. 8 months back ,1 year back, my ldl-c was 160 & TG was around 200..but I didn't take any medicine.. now it has raised to high levels. Should I start statins ?. I am going on a trip for 2 wks in 2 days time .. can I wait till I come back from my trip or should I immediately strat statins after consulting s physician? No significant family history.. my father & mother  taking atorvastatin 10 .. no other major cardiac history in family
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T wave inversion

Hi, I have T wave inversion . deep Pain in my left chest . No sweating or fatigue . At times my left arm pains . Normal Echo . I was asked to take a Ecosprin and atorvastatin tablet just once around 10 PM yesterday . Today morning I had my TMT . TMT is normal . Doctor said pain could be because of gastro acidic trouble . T wave inversion can be ignored as other tests are good and normal Question : TMT is normal but i took some tablets before 10 hours of TMT test. Will it reduce the effectiveness or the accuracy of TMT test ?
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High cholesterol

Hi doctor, My age is 27 and gender is male Today I have done my lipid profile test. Below are the results. Current weight: 99 kg Total cholesterol ----- 178 mg/dl Serum triglycerides ---- 140 mg.dl HDL cholesterol. ---- 29.5 LDL cholesterol ---- 120.50 VLDL Cholesterol --- 28.00 Total/HDL Cholesterol Ratio --- 6.03 LDL/HDL Cholesterol Ratio --- 4.08 3 months back I had covid and at that time my weight is 108 and total cholesterol is 156 mg/dl. I have few questions regarding this? 1) after covid I lost almost 9 kg, but why my cholesterol got increased? 2) doctor suggested atorvastatin 10 mg tablet daily once till 7 days, is it good to take that tablet? Because before 2 weeks I got vaccinated with covaxin Thanks
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Can she go for dobutamine stress test

My mother is a cancer patient, also had bp, diabetes thyroid, and she is on Aspirin n Atorvastatin since Dec 2019 She is up for surgery, but needs cardiologist clearance first for that she undergone to TMT but couldn't complete it due to low physical activity/fitness. Now oncologist said to go for dobutamine stress test, just wanted to know if it is safe, And she is taking telma 40mg BD, amlodipine 5mg OD for BP, and for diabetes she is taking vildagliptin 50mg BD, metformin 500mg BD, glimiperide 2mg BD so before the test she can take sugar medicine but can she take BP medicine as well. I am in a doubt because while processing the test her bp will get high then it will be double dose for her, if she takes telma at home around 6am and test will be at 10am then again they will give her BP medicine What is the correct procedure to take BP medicine before n after test..plzz suggest
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No clarity of Voice

Repeat MLS(2nd time) was done  by ENT surgeon for removal of Polypoid mass growth in antecommissure and vocal cord in Oct'2019. First removal was done on July 2019.Biopsy report of Tata Memorial hospital Mumbai in the first instance and subsequently by Dr. Tribedi & Roy, Kolkata  and PG Hospital, Kolkata for 2nd instance reveals benign tissue. Present problem is after second surgery which also involves removal of residual growth there is no clarity of voice. Voice is suppressed. May i request for an kind advise as to how can the voice be improved. I am a diabetic, BP and cardiac male patient of age 66 years. Post angioplasty in 2016 i am on medication which alsi includes aspirin, clopidogrel and atorvastatin, teneligliptin and amlodac 50/5.Pls.advise.Also is there any further chance of growth. Fail to understand why the griwth reappeared in the second instance. Regards
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