Recently Answered Questions on Ancool-Sf


Lot of hair fall

Lot of hair fall. It has started from few week back. Is it something because of the medicine taken for asthma. I am taking digihaler SF 125 inhaler daily twice
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Headache, nasal congestion, cough & cold

Had fever the first day. Been taking crocin cold and flu and Alex SF cough syrup since 2 days. Coughing up yellow phlegm. Persistent headache.
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Pain in abdomen

Severe pain in abdomen...pain pain pain fi sh dfhgjkkkfskc godhood g sf KSS gfsbj Sushant Gfddvhjbcghk
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Regarding polybion

Can I give Polybion SF syrup to my 4y 6m old child for low appetite and diet supplement? Polybion was prescribed long back by my pediatrician for the same reason but I don't remember if it was Polybion SF or Polybion L or Polybion LC. The dosage that time was 5ml 30minutes before food twice daily. Kindly guide.
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Cough syrup during pregnancy

Hello Doctors , my wife is 23 weeks pregnant and for the past three days she was suffering from throat pain and cough , doctor prescribed ascodex sf syrup and Alexcet LM. My wife is hesitant to use syrup , is it safe to use during pregnancy? Please advise.
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Regarding fever and cold

My 5.5 years old kid having fever and cough with cold.. I had a online consultation and got prescribed p250 and polybion sf . But nothing prescribed for cold.. I already gave her a junior Alex 3.5 ml... please suggest what need to do and what is for polybion?
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Having cough from last 5-6 days

I am having cough from last 5-6 days. Having mucus as well. Medicine, I am taking is Syp. Brozdex Sf 3times Montair lc at sleep time. I am taking steam and doing gargle as well but from yesterday onwards seems my left ear seems to be blocked. Please advice...
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Please tell me the dose

Doctor suggested me brozeet ls syrup for my 11 month baby for cough her weight is 10kg but the chemist person gave me Brozedex Sf .Can i give Brozedex to my baby and kindly tell me how much ml i need to give her thrice a day
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Diagnosed with LPR

Hello! I am diagnosed with LPR .. Can LPR was curable??? If u want to answer my question please give a proper answer I am taking junior lanzol 30mg 1 before breakfast daily for 15 days and ancool suspension 3 time after launch, breakfast and dinner I don't able to speak because of that.. Pls tell me how time take to improvement in my health... And can it was fully cure Pls give me answer Pls
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Acid reflux

Immediately after taking food, gas forms and food particles comes back into throat. Right tonsil is little sore usually. Feeling of something struck in chest until the gas doesn't pass. do not feel like eating much. Having this problem for last 2months. Have following medication from doctor: 1. Ancool syrup. 2.esofag D tablet. 3.amphy 1000 tablet. 4.azee 500 5.gastrolex drops homeopathic Problem is still same. Plsease help.
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