Recently Answered Questions on Aceclo


Cheston cold and aceclo

Can I take cheston cold along with the aceclo ? And if not what should be the minimum amount of time between the two
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Does 9 th month pregnant can take aceclo

I took aceclo plus I'm 9th month pregnancy does it harm ..! I took 2 tablets night and morning
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Pain in hand

I feel pain when lift up my right hand joints doctor priscribed lyser d but in medical store given aceclo. Can I use it?
1875 Views hidden

Having pain in my both ear.

I have been using Ciprofloxamin since last 2 days but no relief. Last night and today morning I took dosage of aceclo Sr but no relief. Could you please recommend medicines or ear drop to cure this problem.
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Joint pain around knee cap

Am suffering from joint pain around my right leg's knee cap...exacty left side near knee cap. Doctor prescribed me SHELCAL-H ACECLO-SERA RANITIN-150 but after my medcine finished pain again comes back
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Can't open my mouth because of pain

3 days ago I couldn't open my mouth due to severe pain in my jaw. My family doctor prescribed Rablet 20 and Aceclo Plus. Got quite relief but the pain is still there while I open my mouth. Should I go to a dentist?
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Cheston cold

Can we take cheston cold with Amoxicillin and montelukast and theophylline tablet ? And what should be the time gap between two aceclo dose for pain relief
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Zitcare vs zovirax

Hi, can someone tell me for what zitcare is used and for what zovirax is used i remember that i used zovirax for hsv and zitcare+ aceclo for hpv but lost the prescriptions
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I am suffering from muscle stiffness sin

I am suffering from muscle stiffness at the back since 2 days, took aceclo+para+chlorozoxone tablets. 70% recovered but still some pain is there.
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Wisdom tooth removal aftereffect

Is it normal to have headache ( on the extracted tooth side) after 5th day of tooth extraction? I have already taken my prescribed dose of aceclo 200 mg sr for 3 days( twice a day) & phexin 500 mg for 5 days ( thrice a day)
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