Weight Loss Treatment

Health Q&A
Doctor kindly please tell me

Doctor kindly please tell me I have a tsh 8.9 thairoid problem. Witch protin food I can take for benifits. and lower calostrol seeds kindly please tell me ..thank you

Isolate Whey Protein

I am 25 yrs old and i take Avaatar's Isolate Whey Protein after my workout. Is it steroids free? And is it completely safe?

Mother is 68 years old

My mother is lean and lose of appetite She has less fat less muscle all over body So i want to give her some supplement for weight gain Did u help me for best supplement to improve weight gain

Nail psoriasis and scarf psoriasis

Hi sir/mam My daughter is suffering with nail psoriasis. Can I get a good diet for her to improve her immunity and recover from psoriasis.

Trying to loose weight

I have blood pressure and hypothyroidism for years now. I eat less and walk continuously but still my weight has been sticking in between 110 - 120 kgs. Have tried everything possible but unable to loose weight. Am 177cms in height. Any advice will help

Health Feed
Amazing Health Benefits of Sugarcane Juice

Sugarcane juice, a sweet elixir extracted from the pressed stalks of sugarcane, has been cherished for centuries in various cultures for its refreshing taste and numerous health benefits. Packed with essential nutrients, this natural beverage offers a plethora of advantages that contribute to ...

Magical Effects of Drinking Coriander Water and Weight Loss?

In a world where obesity is on the rise and taking millions of lives each year, the quest for effective weight loss solutions is more critical than ever. Studies reveal that approximately 4 million people die due to obesity every year. In fact, more people die from being overweight than ...

Healthy Summer Drinks

As summer approaches, the temptation for packed fruit juices and cola drinks increases, especially among children. However, these beverages are often loaded with additives and sugar, which can lead to various health issues such as unhealthy weight gain and type 2 diabetes. So, what is the ...

What Are the Healthy Eating for Blood Sugar Control?

Eating a healthy diet is crucial for everyone, but it’s especially important for people trying to control their blood sugar levels. Here are some tips by Dietician in dadar Geetanjali Mengi for healthy eating for blood sugar control:Focus on whole, unprocessed ...

Surprising Health Benefits of Eating Mango

The juicy fruit drips down your chin, its sweet smell fills the air, and the soft flesh delights your tongue—it is a moment of pure happiness. Originally from Southern Asia, these tropical fruits come in different colours like yellow, green, or red-green. Nowadays, mangoes are grown in many ...

Ms. Nafeesa Imteyaz - Dietitian/Nutritionist
Ms. Nafeesa Imteyaz Dietitian/Nutritionist (MSc. - Dietetics & Food Service Management) 29 years experience First Eat Right Clinic
3612 recommendations Indiranagar, Bangalore INR 1000
Ms. Rohini Raghu - Dietitian/Nutritionist
Ms. Rohini Raghu Dietitian/Nutritionist (MSc - Dietitics / Nutrition) 19 years experience Apollo Clinic
8 recommendations Basavanagudi, Bangalore INR 550
Dr. Akhila Joshi - Yoga and Naturopathy
Dr. Akhila Joshi Yoga and Naturopathy (BNYS, MSc - Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics) 15 years experience Akhilasoukhya-Weight Loss and Lifestyle Management
519 recommendations Kaggadasapura, Bangalore INR 500
Ms. Silky Mahajan - Dietitian/Nutritionist
Ms. Silky Mahajan Dietitian/Nutritionist (B.Sc. - Home Science (Food & Nutrition), M.Sc. - Home Science (Food & Nutrition), Certified Specialist in Sports Nutrition) 16 years experience Foods & Nutrition Clinic
329 recommendations Koramangala 3 Block, Bangalore INR 1770
Ms. Twincy Ann Sunil - Dietitian/Nutritionist
Ms. Twincy Ann Sunil Dietitian/Nutritionist (B.Sc.- Clinical Nutrition & Dietetics) 2 years experience Apollo Spectra Hospitals
5 recommendations Koramangala 5 Block, Bangalore INR 600