In a world where obesity is on the rise and taking millions of lives each year, the quest for effective weight loss solutions is more critical than ever. Studies reveal that approximately 4 million people die due to obesity every year. In fact, more people die from being overweight than underweight, making it a widespread global issue. Hence, weight management is very important for your overall health. While people keep trying various methods for losing weight, a simple ingredient found in most kitchens might offer a natural solution: coriander. 

Studies suggest that coriander water might hold the key to aiding weight loss, offering a promising avenue for those struggling with excess weight. Let us find out from the leading dietician in Delhi for weight loss, Avni Kaul, the amazing benefits of drinking coriander water in this article.

What are the possible benefits of drinking coriander water?

Improves your Digestive Health – Coriander stimulates the enzymes and juices in your stomach that help break down food, making your digestion better. It is also packed with fibre, which is good for your gut. When your digestion works well, it helps with weight loss because your body can absorb nutrients properly. Moreover, it stops bloating and keeps your bowel movements regular, which are both important for staying healthy and losing weight. So, adding coriander to your meals can help you shed those extra pounds by making your digestion smoother.

Detoxification Helps in Weight Loss – Coriander water can help the body get rid of toxins accumulated in the body and can hinder weight loss by interfering with metabolic processes.....

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