Coming out issues of gay, lesbian and transgender

Health Q&A
Sleep issue

Hey i have sleep anxiety after having sleeping problem from last one month whenever I go to bed mind start to think about sleep and unable to sleep...

Issue of facing other people

Why I cnt able to talk to other person looking their eyes men and women , I cnt even able talk freely to my brother and mother also

Always worries of health anxiety, fearfu

Always worries of about health. Doctor says gad and suggested zaptra 12.5 . Can this be treated without medicine? How much cbt therapy will help?

Feeling confused and sick

Hello doctors, I am a type-1 Diabetic on insulin and have thyroid. I'm also on medications for panic attacks but there's a lot more than that, I have been taking escnx-10 mg for 2 weeks now, before the dose was 5mg which I was taking for 3 weeks. I have observed alot of things. 1. i need attention and I act strangely/weirdly/cool to seek attention and say things I don't mean just to get the attention, I have been thinking for about 2 weeks now about why do I need attention. In my family I'm only attached to my mom and have an elder brother and dad but I don't talk with them, I only have small talks . Now I was sitting and felt like vomiting because I had nothing to do, my headpains because of boredom and also I feel lonely, I feel nauseous. I have nothing to do and I'm ideal. What should be done? Do you see Anything concerning, please let me know as it's really getting hard for me.

Anxiety disorder

I have anxiety disorder for 9 months I am under treatment of a psychiatrist...medicine betacap tr 20 and paxidep cr 12.5 anxiety is under control but now the problem is ectopic beat. I do holter it shows ventricular ectopic beat..echo ecg are normal...but I get lot of ectopic beat in a day it make me more anxious..I am pissed off this ectopic beats...pls reply what I should do now 🥲🥲🥲 Pls reply Thanks in advance

Health Feed
Body Language : An Effective Way for Noticing Emotions and Feelings

Before diving deep into the world of body language , first we'll see how the concept of body language evolved. During the time of ancient era, people were basically hunters or gatherer's. There work was to hunt animals and gather seeds and fruits for the living, but sometimes they ...

Silent Battle: Hypertension, Diabetes, and Health

Introduction: Understanding the Silent KillersHypertension (high blood pressure) and diabetes are often referred to as silent killers due to their gradual onset and insidious effects on health. While these conditions are typically associated with physical symptoms, their impact on mental health ...

Why Suppressing Your Emotions Can Be Harmful

We may hide our feelings in many ways, regularly and over time. Are you mindful of any of the Down written areas?- Disregarding or bottling your feelings or trying to Brush them aside- Avoiding saying how you feel - Fighting to ignore the desire to ...

Words -Thetransformational Power.

Words -The Transformational Power- .By Hemma DSouza -Counselling Psychologist- Cognitive Behaviour-Neuro-linguistic therapist , Life Coach & Mental Health writer at Hilcy Wellness .Right words are of great value to those who hear them and to those who speak them . When we ...

“Be Like the Nature of Water”

“Be Like the Nature of Water”By Hemma DSouza -Counselling Psychologist- Cognitive Behaviour-Neuro-linguistic therapist , Life Coach & Mental Health writer at Hilcy Wellness.A Quote from The Philosophy and Origin of Bruce Lee’s Famous Metaphor on Resilience "Empty your ...

Dr. Chaya - Ayurveda
Dr. Chaya Ayurveda (BAMS, MSc - Psychology, PhD - Psychology, MSc - Yoga) 19 years experience Serenity Wellness Institute
277 recommendations Gottigerre, Bangalore INR 1500
Mr. C.R Satish Kumar - Psychologist
Mr. C.R Satish Kumar Psychologist (M.Phil - Clinical Psychology) 10 years experience Manipal Hospitals Old Airport Road
17 recommendations Old Airport Road, Bangalore INR 2000
Dr. Prashanthi K. - Psychologist
Dr. Prashanthi K. Psychologist (BHMS, PGDPC (Post Graduation Diploma In Psychological Counselling)) 16 years experience Dwarakamayi Psychological Counselling Center
148 recommendations Varthur, Bangalore INR 1499
Ms. Kavya Kollody - Psychologist
Ms. Kavya Kollody Psychologist (MSc - Psychology, BSc - Psychology, M.Phil - Clinical Psychology) 7 years experience Mindful TMS Neurocare
4 recommendations Whitefield, Bangalore INR 1500
Ms. Nithya Sarah Abraham - Psychologist
Ms. Nithya Sarah Abraham Psychologist (M.Phil - Clinical Psychology, MSc - Clinical Psychology, BSc - Psychology) 11 years experience Carewell Health
42 recommendations Whitefield, Bangalore INR 2000