Words -The Transformational Power

- .By Hemma DSouza -Counselling Psychologist- Cognitive Behaviour-Neuro-linguistic therapist , Life Coach & Mental Health writer at Hilcy Wellness .

Right words are of great value to those who hear them and to those who speak them . When we really focus on the intention and the power of our words, something special happens, used skillfully and effectively they have a tremendous power to shape relationships.

Language shapes our thoughts our  behavior . Words are powerful to have a profound impact it serves  as a tool for either inflicting harm or offering comfort and healing. Recognise the potential consequences of each utterance by being mindful. When used with kindness and understanding, words can help alleviate emotional pain, reduce stress, and provide a sense of connection and supportEngaging in gossip it  can have detrimental consequences, sowing discord, and inflicting emotional distress. It is  important to of refrain from negativity and consider the potential consequences before speaking.

Managing Anger - When fueled by anger, our words can become destructive and hurtful. Be  mindful and have emotional control before engaging in communication during heightened emotional states.Words of encouragement and praise can act as powerful tools for motivation, inspiration, and hope. Thus offering positive reinforcement to others, fosters a supportive and encouraging environment.

Navigating Conflict Constructively , During disagreements and conflicts, choosing words carefully becomes crucial. Use "I" statements and focusing on specific concerns, rather than personal attacks that will leads to a  productive and respectful dialogue.Words Can Change Your Brain a single word has the power to influence the expression of genes that regulate physical and emotional stress . They are the key to building, maintaining and ending relationships with others. Used with skill, each word can contain a power and energy that shifts mindsets, opens dialogue, motivates, inspires other people and even yourself. If Used ineffectively, words can demotivate, discourage, lower self esteem. Our words are powerful. They carry our thoughts, our ideas, our feelings and our intentions.Words are Powerful in the way they are expressed . When you speak a word you can't take it back.We must remember to be mindful of how we say what we say and take responsibility for making our words impactful . 

A right word spoken at the right time can be life-changing.We all have challenges in life, but we can make them better or worse by the way we talk about them, speaking negatively could hurt and speaking positively never will, so choose positive words you will feel the transformation of your thoughts and the results you get .