Stress Treatment

Health Q&A
Doubt regarding arsenic poisioning

For last 2-3 years I used to take a ayurvedic syrup for kidney stones, I later found out it has 2.3 mg/kg arsenic in it, i took around 8-9 bottles of it, but since 20 April I have not consumed it, I have fatty liver grade 2 and my kidneys are fine just have  4.5 mm stones, I wanted to ask is there a chance of arsenic poisioning or not.

High lipid

Cholesterol is high... Please see the reports Please suggest ayurvedic Can i take himalaya lasuna??? Or suggest anything else??

Myopia treatment

How can severe myopia be treated ? Is netra tarpan helpful and I need more information on the same. Want to connect with good ayurvedic doctors

Homeopathic Remedies

I was suffering from IBS-C but after taking Nux Vomica 30 CH for 15 days I got 70% relief... Should I continue it for a month?

I have daibetes for 1 year

I want to suggestion of homeopathic medicine my sugar level starting time is 396 fasting and 450 is post meals present time 100/130 after medicine please suggest me

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All You Need to Know About Yoga

Facts You Should Know about Yoga?Yoga is a systematic practice of physical exercise, breath control, relaxation, diet control, and positive thinking and meditation aimed at developing harmony in the body, mind, and environment. The practice entails low-impact physical activity, postures ...

Corona Virus Precaution for Everyone by Sujok Therapy

Corona virus precaution for everyone by Sujok Therapy It is need of hour to take precautionary measures to stay safe. COVID-19 attack respiratory system, so usually throat, airways (trachea) and lungs are affected (infected) first. Sujok correspondence system - an objective method of treatment, ...

What Is Tcm(traditional Chines Medicine)

TCM TreatmentTCM is one of the main forms of treatment in traditional Chinese medicine. It involves the use of sharp, thin needles that are inserted in the body at very specific points. This process is believed to adjust and alter the body's energy flow into healthier patterns, and ...

Good for Weight Watchers - Healthy Veggie Meal

Good for weight watchersVegetables delight with a Mediterranean TouchIngredients: 2- Teaspoon of olive oil or sesame oil      1-Onion sliced2 -Celery’s chopped      2 -garlic cloves1-Red pepper- ...

Deep Breathing: How to Practice and What Are The Benefits

To breathe is to live! Every organ in your body relies on oxygen. From your nervous system to the digestive system, effective breathing not only provides you with mental clarity but also helps you to sleep better, digests your food, improves your immunity, and reduces your stress level. ...

Dr. Akhila Joshi - Yoga and Naturopathy
Dr. Akhila Joshi Yoga and Naturopathy (BNYS, MSc - Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics) 15 years experience Akhilasoukhya-Weight Loss and Lifestyle Management
521 recommendations Kaggadasapura, Bangalore INR 500
Dr. Beena Mathew - Yoga and Naturopathy
Dr. Beena Mathew Yoga and Naturopathy (BNYS) 30 years experience Yogaksema Clinic
56 recommendations Indiranagar, Bangalore INR 500
Dr. Padmanabha Shettigara - Acupuncturist
Dr. Padmanabha Shettigara Acupuncturist (BNYS) 26 years experience Sthira Holistic Health Centre
15 recommendations Padmanabhanagar, Bangalore INR 500
Dr. Chirag M S - Acupuncturist
Dr. Chirag M S Acupuncturist (BNYS) 3 years experience Dr. Care Homeopathy Hospitals
22 recommendations HRBR Layout, Bangalore INR 350
Dr. AshwathyBaburajan - Acupuncturist
Dr. AshwathyBaburajan Acupuncturist (BNYS) 15 years experience Prana Yoga Studio and Acupunture Clinic
37 recommendations Hennur, Bangalore INR 500