Endovenous Laser Ablation for Varicose Veins

Health Q&A
Back pain adn overwight

My husband having back pain and he consulted a doctor and took CT scan. He said due to overweight u have posture problem. Reduce weight and do yoga. In his report it's said multiple lymph nodes are noted. I'm scared. Is that means cancer. Plz see the report n tell me that is not.

Side effects of MRI scans

For atypic febrile seizures, our doctor advised to have MRI scan for Brain (Plain) for my 6 months old baby. Is it safe? Are there any side effects of this MRI scan?

Abdomen ct scan

Does ct scan of abdomen reveal the status of adrenal glands also. Is ct with contrast is better or without contract for analysing adrenal for tumor.

For assurance

I had CT scan with contrast on 7th July for pain in pelvis for about 3 weeks. The result came out to be normal. My gynaecologist said not to worry. But I want to make sure if all the organs inside pelvic region are properly visible in ct? Specially the ovaries.

Tirdness , pain in legs

I always feel tirdness, pain in legs , headache from last 7-8 years and I come to know few months back that i have minor beta thalassemia. Treatment taken from neurologist & psychotherapist but still problem has not solved. Can someone tell me, which doctor is right for me.

Health Feed
7 Tips to Avoid Varicose Veins in Pregnancy

Varicose veins are tortuous, large veins seen on legs or feet. They are a part of the varicose veins disease. Several factors that are unique to the pregnant state increase its incidence.The thick blue and red veins highly visible during pregnancy are known as varicose veins. They are a ...

Symptoms and Complications of Varicose Veins

Symptoms in early varicose veins disease are minimal & varicose veins is a slowly progressing disease. The changes occur so slowly that one gets alarmed only when it is too much to suffer. Early symptoms of this disease should be picked up early so as to avoid complications which can be ...

Blood in Urine Can Be Dangerous- Consult Now - Dr.Balaji Patel

AngiographicEmbolisation:-45 yrs pt with h/o hematuria. No renal procedures done. Normal bleeding parameters. Evaluated and a right renal avm found.Renal avm s are less common. It can be acquired orcongenital. Acquired are more common after renal procedures/ ...

Get Rid of Fibroid and Not Uterus

Uterine FibroidUterine Fibroid is one of the most common benign tumours and condition are seen in many females. Traditional treatments were hysterectomy- patient uterus will be removed Myomectomy open/lap - a part of the uterus is scraped off- can cause adhesions. Best will be Uterine ...

Spider Veins(telangiectasias) Are Similar to Varicose Veins

What Are Spider Veins?Spider veins (Telangiectasias) are similar to varicose veins, but smaller and found closer to the skin's surface. They take their name from their appearance, which resembles a spider’s web. Usually red or blue in color, they vary in size and can be found in ...

Dr. Mathangi J - Oncologist
Dr. Mathangi J Oncologist (MBBS, DNB - Radio Diagnosis, Diploma in Radio Therapy) 26 years experience Gleneagles BGS Hospital
20 recommendations Kengeri, Bangalore INR 800
Dr. Chinmay Nagesh - Radiologist
Dr. Chinmay Nagesh Radiologist (MD - Radio Diagnosis/Radiology, DM - Neuroimaging & Interventional Radiology, MBBS, DNB - Radio Diagnosis) 17 years experience Apollo Speciality Hospitals
3 recommendations Jayanagar, Bangalore INR 500
Dr. Rohit Madhurkar - Radiologist
Dr. Rohit Madhurkar Radiologist (MBBS, MD - Radio Diagnosis/Radiology, Fellowship in Interventional Radiology) 14 years experience PinHole endoVascular Intervention Radiology Clinic
4 recommendations Banashankari 2nd Stage, Bangalore INR 500
Dr. Ramesh G - Radiologist
Dr. Ramesh G Radiologist (MBBS, Diploma in Medical Radio-Diagnosis) 22 years experience Apollo Clinic
1 recommendations Bellandur, Bangalore INR 500
Dr. Krishna C - Radiologist
Dr. Krishna C Radiologist (MBBS, MD - Radio Diagnosis/Radiology) 27 years experience Manipal Hospitals Old Airport Road
23 recommendations Old Airport Road, Bangalore INR 900