Health Q&A
Trikatu vs panchkol for increasing pitta

My kapha dosha is high and pitta is low so dr advised me to take either panchkol or trikatu whichever is easily available.Both r available to me but I want to know which one is more effective???

Vedistry Dipya acidity tablet

Hi i had seen ad of this vedistry dipya acidity tablet on social media. So i would like to ask you that can i take this tablet for acidity gas stomach issue ? Is it SAFE ? Please check attached photo of tablet and suggest me can i take this tablet is it safe ? And how much dose?

Bloating and indigestion

Hello, I have bloating and indigestion so can I take triphala powder? When to take it? And how much?

Genital herpies

Hi doctor, I was taking herpes homoeopathy treatment for 6 onths. Is  there a cure for herpes in Ayurvedic medicine? If so, how much time does it take? What are the steps? 

Unable to recall things

Hello, My memory is very poor; Unable to remember the names of the person with whom I met. And while talking to someone unable to recall the things at the right time.. that's why I am unable to perform well in my job etc. pls advise what is it and solution. I am doing regular workouts and following a good diet etc but still not seeing improvements.

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The Vital Link Between Happiness and Health: Insights From Ayurveda

In Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine, the significance of mental well-being in maintaining overall health is paramount. It suggests that depression, characterized by feelings of sorrow and despair, is considered the primary cause of illness. Therefore, nurturing a happy and ...

Banish Bad Breath Naturally: Ayurvedic Insights Into Halitosis

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What to Eat in This Summer

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7 Best Exercises From Your Office to Get Rid of Back Pain

Introduction:For many of us, spending long hours seated at a desk in front of a computer is a regular part of our workday. Unfortunately, this sedentary lifestyle often leads to back pain and discomfort. However, incorporating simple exercises into your office routine can help alleviate ...

Dr. Deepashree.R - Ayurveda
Dr. Deepashree.R Ayurveda (BAMS) 22 years experience Jaya Ayurveda Clinic
30 recommendations Jayanagar 4 Block, Bangalore INR 350
Dr. Poornima Kasaragod - Ayurveda
Dr. Poornima Kasaragod Ayurveda (BAMS, PGD in Yoga Therapy) 36 years experience Healing Touch Centre For Ayurveda & Yoga
275 recommendations Banaswadi, Bangalore INR 400
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Dr. Shiny Menon Ayurveda (BAMS) 20 years experience Keva Ayurveda
142 recommendations Whitefield, Bangalore INR 500
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Dr. Maitry H Shettigar Ayurveda (BAMS) 17 years experience Maitri Ayurveda
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Dr. Shree Lakshmi.N Ayurveda (BAMS) 24 years experience Adyant Ayurveda
71 recommendations Jayanagar, Bangalore INR 400