Breast Enhancement Care

Health Q&A
Male hair regrowth

Hello Hair for sure tonic is good for regrowth of male bladness or I try any other treatment for hair regrowth ?

Brown spot on the face

Hi, my wife has brown spot on her both face, around the cheek. It has been for few years. Is it safe to do a plastic surgery? How much will be the cost? If did a surgery, do she need to do check up regularly? How many years the surgery last? Will it affect the look in old age? Please advise. Thanks.

Red Wine for health

My friends say red wine is very good for health if consumed regularly in moderate quantities. They say it's very good for skin and also for heart, hair & others. Is it true? If so which brand and how to choose the best one? In what quantities and how frequently should it be used? Any restrictions for age, male/female, diseases etc..? Thank you.

Over weight

I have suddenly gained weight but not having any problems like thyroid and sugar i need to loose weight as soon as possible as am getting married next year

Dandruff, brittle hair

I have brittle hair and even dandruff though mild but I get annoyed I want silky smooth hair and have hair which are not single string like it has some Pat thick and other thin