Osteoarthritis Of The Knee Treatment

Health Q&A

Can a person with scoliosis start gym and workout or will the scoliosis worsen out with gym and how frequently they should to gym?

Knee pain since since last five years

I am having acute pain in both the knees and I am unable to climb the stairs. Recently I had my Vitamin D test which comes out to be 61. Kindly suggest

Cervical spondylosis

My sis (female/ 40 yrs/ vegetarian/teetotaler) had headache on the top of her neck between ears for few months (near the hairline at the back). She was taking normal pain killers. Recently she felt dizzy and almost passed out for few hours with severe pain in neck and vomiting (though conscious). She was absolutely ok the previous day but woke up with severe dizziness the next day. The doctor initially suggested Sumo, Vertin 8, n Vomikind along with xray. The medicines reduced pain n dizziness. Xray suggested Cervical spondylosis and refered to ortho. There is no pain in shoulders, hands nor any problem in walking. However there is pain between the eyebrows (she uses specs). She relies on home medication and doesn't want to go to ortho until absolutely necessary. Can someone plz suggest something..? How long and how often can she take the above medicines (since they are working well).? She also takes thyronorm 50 since 4-5 years and 6 yrs back had surgery for uterus fybroids.

Heel ache ang pinch

Hello I am facing pinching pain only at one part of heel.which is in the back side.. Upon checking uric acid level is 6.7 And x ray looks fine ( which was taken to check spur) I get this pinning pain only when I keep leg over hard surface...other than that I never feel pain... Now doctor advised me few tablets for muscle strain... However one of the pharmasist told me that I might have diabetes...Here my dout is does heel pain comes because of diabetes??... I don't have any symptoms like excess urine , thirst, hungry... I am very much anxious after hereing that..

Pain in legs

I regularly experience pain in my legs, especially in the left leg, the starting point of pain is the forefoot below the finger toes, and then it reaches the ankle and up to the knee, what can be the cause, what should I do?

Health Feed
How to Use a Walking Frame

The best way to walk with a walking frame depends on whether you are using a standard walking frame or a front-wheeled walking frame. -A standard walking frame has rubber tips on the ends of all four legs. -A front-wheeled walking frame has wheels on the ends of the front ...

Posterolateral Corner Injury Knee

A posterolateral corner (PLC) injury is a specific type of knee injury that involves damage to the structures on the back and outside (posterolateral aspect) of the knee joint. The PLC is a complex anatomical region of the knee, and injuries to this area can result from traumatic events, such as ...

Osteoarthritis Knee

Osteoarthritis, often referred to as OA, is a common and chronic joint condition that primarily affects the elderly but can also occur in younger individuals due to various risk factors. It is the most prevalent form of arthritis and is characterized by the following key features:1. ...

Tendoachilles Rupture

Achilles tendon rupture, also known as tendoachilles rupture, is a relatively common injury that affects the Achilles tendon, which is the largest and strongest tendon in the human body. This tendon connects the calf muscles to the heel bone and is essential for activities such as walking, ...

Avascular Necrosis of Hip Joint

AVN, or Avascular Necrosis, is a medical condition that affects the hip joint. It is also known as osteonecrosis or bone infarction. This condition occurs when there is a temporary or permanent loss of blood supply to the bone tissue in the hip joint, leading to bone cell death. This can cause ...

Dr. Krishna Kumar - Orthopedist
Dr. Krishna Kumar Orthopedist (MBBS, MS - Orthopaedics) 18 years experience Hope Hospital
91 recommendations KR Puram, Bangalore INR 1050
Dr. Ravi Prakash Y - Orthopedist
Dr. Ravi Prakash Y Orthopedist (MBBS, MS - Orthopaedics, Fellowship in Joint Replacement & Arthroscopy) 19 years experience People Tree Hospitals
96 recommendations Yeshwanthpur, Bangalore INR 650
Dr. Radhakrishna V N - Orthopedist
Dr. Radhakrishna V N Orthopedist (Post Doctoral Fellowship in Pediatric Orthopedics, DNB - Orthopedics/Orthopedic Surgery, Diploma in Orthopaedics, MBBS) 18 years experience People Tree Hospitals
132 recommendations Yeshwanthpur, Bangalore INR 650
Dr. Srikanth K P - Orthopedist
Dr. Srikanth K P Orthopedist (MBBS, DNB - Orthopedics/Orthopedic Surgery, FNB Trauma Care) 21 years experience People Tree Hospitals
115 recommendations Yeshwanthpur, Bangalore INR 650
Dr. Somasundaram Sekar - Orthopedist
Dr. Somasundaram Sekar Orthopedist (D.Ortho, MBBS, DNB - Orthopedics/Orthopedic Surgery) 17 years experience Altius Hospitals
1 recommendations HBR Layout, Bangalore INR 1500