
Health Q&A
Getting dvt first time little stres out

Getting dvt first time red blood cloth on back side on thighs , calfs pain feet pain arm.pain , freewuent urination feeling sacred

Breast issue

Hey, mine usg report is normal. as google say mammogram is standard detection for detecting breast cancer. do i need further investigation like mammogram or mri?? or usg is sufficient? it is possible that usg is normal and mammo and mri find some maligancy???

Extremely scared.

Doctors, i hope i am not wasting your time, but i really need some guidance here. It's affecting my life so badly. I dont go out of home, i think of it all the time. Scared with minor issues with body :(

Ulcer on tongue and lump on throat

Hi sir/ma'am, I am Jude, actually I have had ulcers on my tongue which haven't gone for 1 month, they are painless but bleed when I try to clean my tongue, only left side of my tongue used to hurt before, this lump on my neck is painful if I touch it . Please let me know what's wrong, is it cancer or not ? 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾

Multiple lumps

I was having breast fibroadenoma n I get i removed since a 9 10 months ago,n am having a scnd one there...now am having a jaw lump it's movable soft and it was very small whn I noticed it for the very first tym now it has increased a bit and jst on below my neck there is same second one...plz tell me what shld i do shld i ignore them am nt having any pain there ...but why am having multiple n these am noticing gradually first on my breast now may  on face jawline...shld i leave thm as they r bcz I can't do many surgries nor I can take alot of medicines as am already having some guy issues n others too ..plz hlp

Health Feed
Cervix Cancer: Myths and Facts

source: www.cancersurgery.online, www.arogyamcare.comCervical cancer is one of the most common types of cancer that affects women, especially in developing countries like India. However, there are many myths and misconceptions about this disease that prevent people from taking preventive ...

Thyroid Cancer: What You Should Know?

Patient Information Literature by Arogyam careRISK FACTORS for thyroid cancer includes: Radiation ExposureAge, Family HistoryObesityGenetic syndromesTYPES of thyroid cancer: Well Differentiated Thyroid Cancers which ...

Breast Lump - Does It Need Attention?

Breast lumps are common in females of all ages. Nature of these lumps can vary from benign (non cancerous) disease like fibroadenoma seen in young females to phyllodes tumor (borderline cancerous) in middle aged females to cancer seen in elderly females. Though no age is immune to the occurrence ...

Liver Cancer Awareness - All You Need to Know.

Hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV) and cirrhosis are all linked to liver cancer. You can greatly reduce your risk for liver cancer by preventing or diagnosing and treating these diseases early.*Risk Factors*Many liver cancer cases are related to the ...

The Toll of a Tumor

            He was a man in his forties. A wife, a kid, a stable job, life was smooth, as if on cruise control.When he noticed that the ulcer in his mouth won’t heal, even after several weeks of existence, he knew it wasn’t ‘just another ulcer’. ...

Dr. Shiva Kumar - Oncologist
Dr. Shiva Kumar Oncologist (MBBS, FMAS, MCh - Surgical Oncology, MS - General Surgery) 16 years experience Trust-In Hospital
41 recommendations Horamavu, Bangalore INR 700
Dr. Prasad Narayanan - Oncologist
Dr. Prasad Narayanan Oncologist (MBBS, MD - General Medicine, DM - Oncology) 26 years experience Cytecare Hospitals
5 recommendations Yelahanka, Bangalore INR 1000
Dr. Akshay Shivappa Kudpaje - Head and Neck Surgeon
Dr. Akshay Shivappa Kudpaje Head and Neck Surgeon (MBBS, MS - ENT, MCh - Head and Neck Surgery, Fellowship In Head and Neck Surgical Oncology) 19 years experience Cytecare Hospitals
10 recommendations Yelahanka, Bangalore INR 1000
Dr. Niti Raizada - Oncologist
Dr. Niti Raizada Oncologist (MBBS, MD - General Medicine, DNB - General Medicine, DM - Medical Oncology, ESMO, SCE - Medical Oncology) 27 years experience Fortis Hospital
40 recommendations Richmond Town, Bangalore INR 1400
Dr. Mathangi J - Oncologist
Dr. Mathangi J Oncologist (MBBS, DNB - Radio Diagnosis, Diploma in Radio Therapy) 26 years experience Gleneagles BGS Hospital
20 recommendations Kengeri, Bangalore INR 800