Health Q&A
Rifagut 200

Can rifagut 200 twice a day for 3 days cause swelling in fingers of hand ? i was taking rifagut for stomach infection

Please help !!!

I touched a patient with Hepatitis A .can I get Hepatitis by so ...I just touched him on his face to check for his it possible to get hep A like that ...and it's been a day after that I am feeling bloated and nausea ... abdominal discorfort i suffering from hep A ..

Tsh value is bit high

Hello doctors, Yesterday I went for complete body check up and i could find tsh value is 5.06.. 4 months back tsh value 3.62.. do I have thyroid and start medicine ? What can I do NXT please advise,my weight is 74kgs..4 months before 72kgs..

Prickings in feet

Hello, I am facing pricks in my feet at certain places .. I feel it only when I keep leg on hard surface. I tested uric acid it's 6.7 And I don't have any symptoms like excess urination thrust or hungry and my weight is also constant. First I had pain in backside of my heel and doctor said it's muscle sprain ( even Xray was normal ).. Please let me know what I need to do...

Dhydration during summer

Dehydration can cause bone and joint pain in the summer season and if yes than how many days it take to recover

Health Feed

What is Mastectomy?Mastectomy is the surgery done to remove a breast or a part of the breast as a treatment option for breast cancer. It is also performed prophylactically to prevent breast cancer in individuals who are at extremely high risk for it. It is recommended for people who have been ...

Post-Liver Cancer Treatment Care

What Happens After Liver Cancer Treatment?Your health care team will continue to monitor you after you have completed therapy. Following therapy, keep the following in mind: 1. The importance of follow-up visits cannot be overstated. All follow-up appointments should be ...

Anal Fissure : Laser Treatment

What is an anal fissure? An anal fissure is a tear in the lining of the anus or anal canal . The anal fissure can be extremely painful and may bleed. What are the causes of an anal fissure? Usually, trauma to the anal canal causes a fissure. Common causes of ...

10 Faq on Alcohol Consumption in Women

Alcohol is one of the most addictive substances consumed worldwide. It has also been estimated that almost 3 million alcohol-related deaths are caused each year throughout the world.Over the period of time, there has been an increase in the amount of consumption of alcohol around the ...

Is FibroScan Beneficial For Your Liver?

A liver biopsy (removing a piece of tissue or a sample of cells from your body and testing it in a laboratory) is usually the gold standard for diagnosing and determining the severity of the liver disease. However, it is a painful, risky, and invasive procedure which is why a newer ...

Dr. Manas Ranjan Tripathy - Laparoscopic Surgeon
Dr. Manas Ranjan Tripathy Laparoscopic Surgeon (MBBS, MS - General Surgery, FIAGES - Minimal Access Surgery) 19 years experience Apollo Spectra Hospitals
182 recommendations Koramangala 5 Block, Bangalore INR 700
Dr. Nanda Rajaneesh - Laparoscopic Surgeon
Dr. Nanda Rajaneesh Laparoscopic Surgeon (MBBS, MS - General Surgery, Fellowship of Association of Colon & Rectal Surgeons of India(FACRSI), Training in Surgical Oncology (G.I. Oncology)) 29 years experience Apollo Spectra Hospitals
192 recommendations Koramangala 5 Block, Bangalore INR 800
Dr. Raghunandan K S - General Surgeon
Dr. Raghunandan K S General Surgeon (MBBS, FRCS - General Surgery, Doctor of Medicine (Research)) 22 years experience Aveksha Hospital
34 recommendations Vidyaranyapura, Bangalore INR 500
Dr. Sunil Kumar B Alur - Bariatric Surgeon
Dr. Sunil Kumar B Alur Bariatric Surgeon (MBBS, DNB - General Surgery, Fellowship in Minimal Access Surgery, Fellowship of Indian Association of Gastrointestinal Endo Surgeons (FIAGES), Fellowship of Association of Colon & Rectal Surgeons of India(FACRSI), Fellowship in Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery, Fellowship in Minimal Invesive Surgery) 26 years experience Q-Medical Centre
60 recommendations Sivanchetti Gardens, Bangalore INR 800
Dr. Niranjan P - Laparoscopic Surgeon
Dr. Niranjan P Laparoscopic Surgeon (MBBS, DNB - General Surgery) 19 years experience London Care Hospital
4 recommendations Kumaraswamy Layout, Bangalore INR 500