Bacterial Skin Infection Treatment

Health Q&A
Genetic hair loss

I have genetic hair loss and hair thinning. Can I use minoxidil and if yes how to use and which one? Please give direct answers I don't want consultation for this small question.

Wart got removed on its own what to do

I got viral wart on my feet and i only applied 4 hansaplast corn plasters on it and nothing else. I was keeping it covered mostly by wearing socks. Today suddenly the upper layer of the wart got removed on its own and a fleshy rough skin with blood is showing now. I have washed it with water but I don't know what to apply on it now. And what to use to cover it. I would request the doctors to please guide me with this. I am living alone and i have no help around. I am attaching the before and after pictures for your reference. Please someone advise asap.

Face & neck hyperpigmentation

I have very severe hyperpigmentation on my face and neck moreover my body Color doesn't match my face. I don't have any accompanying diseases like diabetes .

Reddish Purple bruise appeared on my arm

A week ago, a bruise appeared on my arm randomly. There is no pain associated when I touch it. My question is, is it anything serious or should i just ignore it considering i have no pain, itching or swelling?

Small bumps around my lips

Around my lips there is pot of small bumps and it started increasing in overall face. Can you suggest cream or med

Health Feed
Every Thing You Ever Wanted to Know About Your Hair & Scalp Troubles.

In today’s world of information overload, it’s no surprise that you might find yourself faced with a choice between a dermatologist, a cosmetologist, or a trichologist when seeking solutions for your hair and scalp issues. To make an informed decision, let’s break down these titles and ...

Laser Hair Reduction Treatment

Laser hair reduction refers to a medical procedure in which unwanted hair is removed through lasers (that is, a beam of focused light). Skinisma Aesthetics offers the best laser hair reduction in Delhi and has the right technique to make sure that you will never have to witness the embarrassment ...

Male Pattern Baldness(androgenic Alopecia)

Male pattern baldness (androgenic alopecia) is a type of hair loss that affects people assigned male at birth (AMAB). It causes you to lose hair on the skin covering your head (scalp), and your hair doesn’t grow back. Other signs of male-pattern baldness include thinning hair and a hairline ...

Misuse of Steroid Ointment: A Growing Pandemic in Fungal Infections

Steroid ointments, commonly referred to as corticosteroid creams, are powerful medications used to treat various skin conditions such as inflammation, itching, and irritation. While these medications can provide significant relief when used appropriately and under medical supervision, their ...

All About Acne.

All the above blood investigation are required to hep us conclude the cause of Acne. According to which the doctor can plan the necessary treatment needed. The above slide gives us an overview of the treatment available for acne , tropical application can be in the form of gel or ...

Dr. Shruthi C - Dermatologist
Dr. Shruthi C Dermatologist (MBBS, MD - Dermatology , Venereology & Leprosy) 15 years experience Skin & Recon Dermatology And Plastic Surgery Clinic
29 recommendations Jayanagar 4 Block, Bangalore INR 600
Dr. Nithya Raghunath - Dermatologist
Dr. Nithya Raghunath Dermatologist (MBBS, MD - Dermatology , Venereology & Leprosy) 15 years experience Contura Clinic
4020 recommendations Kalyan Nagar, Bangalore INR 800
750 recommendations Indiranagar, Bangalore INR 500
Dr. Deepak Devakar - Dermatologist
Dr. Deepak Devakar Dermatologist (MBBS, DDVL) 20 years experience Dermasculpt Hair Transplant and Skin Clinic
2513 recommendations JP Nagar, Bangalore INR 600
Dr. Sridhar Gogineni - Dermatologist
Dr. Sridhar Gogineni Dermatologist (MBBS, MD - Dermatology , Venereology & Leprosy) 18 years experience Avance Derma Skin, Hair & Laser Clinic
957 recommendations Marathahalli, Bangalore INR 600