Health Q&A
Heavy Hair loss

My hairs are getting thinner day by day. Volume of my hairs was good by recently since few months I have noticed heavy hair loss because of which previously when I used to make 2 plates in my hair the size of each one of them used to be good whereas now when I make even 1 plate it's thinner than the 2 individual plate and I love long hairs I am not able to understand what should I do to stop this problem and to have a good hair volume with growth. Please help ...Thankyou

Skin complexion

I have been having a kind of an irritation under ma armpits.. which leads to itching and it has turned black.. what am I suppose to do to bring back a fairer skin tone

Skin pigmentation

I have slight dull pigmentation i can see on jaw lines...its lil but its not giving that flawless look..i dnt have pimples and acne issues...can u suggest something for glowing and flawless skin

Excessive hair on body.

Excessive hair is growing on my body recently. Are there any home remedies to control hair growth on body ?

Skin tanning

My skin got tanned very recently as am a student of architecture and by job is field based. please help me with a remedy