
Health Q&A
High lipid

Cholesterol is high... Please see the reports Please suggest ayurvedic Can i take himalaya lasuna??? Or suggest anything else??

Myopia treatment

How can severe myopia be treated ? Is netra tarpan helpful and I need more information on the same. Want to connect with good ayurvedic doctors


Please suggest some good home remedies or precautions which might be helpful to people before, after or during covid symptoms.

Homeopathic Remedies

I was suffering from IBS-C but after taking Nux Vomica 30 CH for 15 days I got 70% relief... Should I continue it for a month?

Diabetic with HBA1C 7.3

Hi sir, Can I take Giloy on daily. I am diabetic my HBA1C is 7.3 .There will be any side effects. Please let me know.