Advanced Techniques Drive Energy - TAME

Health Q&A
ACL Tear Injury

How to get appointment for Sports Injury Centre Department in Safdarjung Hospital, Delhi I'm from Uttarakhand and I want to get the doctor's appointment for the ACL tear injury so that I can visit Delhi for the consultation Can someone please help me with this

Bone and joint pain

Hey doctor, I am suffering from bone and joints pain since 2 yrs. I did my vitamin d levels it came 13 ng/ml. My doctor advised me vitamin d capsule once a week but no difference in my health. After that for better absorption I took Vitamin d 6lac IU injections but still my levels are low. What is the problem? Why vitamin d is not absorbing in my body?


Can a person with scoliosis start gym and workout or will the scoliosis worsen out with gym and how frequently they should to gym?

Frozen shoulder

She is suffering from frozen shoulder. Quote painful. Sometime cannot movie her hand  or lift any item. . Has consulted orthopaefic doctor but not much relief. Kindly advise.

Knee pain since since last five years

I am having acute pain in both the knees and I am unable to climb the stairs. Recently I had my Vitamin D test which comes out to be 61. Kindly suggest

Mr. Prathap Addageethala - Chiropractor
Mr. Prathap Addageethala Chiropractor (Doctor of Chiropractic) 12 years experience Atlas Chiropractic & Wellness
1038 recommendations Indiranagar, Bangalore INR 3000
Dr. Violette Lepinay - Chiropractor
Dr. Violette Lepinay Chiropractor (Doctorate in Chiropractic) 6 years experience Atlas Chiropractic & Wellness
176 recommendations Indiranagar, Bangalore INR 3000
Mr. Rémi Koenig - Chiropractor
Mr. Rémi Koenig Chiropractor (Doctor of Chiropractic) 4 years experience Atlas Chiropractic & Wellness
1 recommendations Whitefield, Bangalore INR 3000