We are all under the spell of cravings on a daily basis! This uncontrollable desire for a specific food item varies individually; some may crave for the greasy French fries, the others for a sweet donut, etc.Cravings are frequently for junk foods and processed foods high in sugar, salt, and fat. But what if we tell y’all that cravings are a signal your body is trying to give you.Below listed are some reasons for cravings:
Insufficient macronutrients/micronutrients like low intake of protein or iron. Low intake of protein can lead to cravings for sugary foods; anaemic individuals could have cravings for non-nutritional foods like ice, etc. Indulging in the recommended amounts of nutrients can help you curb the cravings.
The gut is like our mini-brain as it produces hormones, affects our mood and plays a role in cravings. The gut is filled with bacteria, as long as it is the beneficial one it is good but if the wrong bacteria has taken control it can cause unhealthy cravings.
The first thing you do when you’re hit by a craving is drinking a glass of water.Here’s why: the body is majorly composited of water and inadequate water content will lead to dehydration which manifests itself as hunger and thus the cravings.
An imbalance in hormones like serotonin and leptin can cause cravings.Even when endorphins are released which happens after eating sugary and salty foods there are cravings.For all the ladies there, during menopause, menstrual cycle or pregnancy there can be some intense cravings because of the imbalance of estrogen and testosterone.PCOS can also lead to urgent cravings for carbs and sweet foods because of insulin influence.
Many of us are emotional eaters or eat to reward ourselves. Depression, boredom, negative self-image, etc. are reasons for cravings. Low serotonin levels can also lead to cravings.But these food cravings do not last for more than an hour so picking a mood elevating activity or making healthy food choices is a way out.
A poor night’s sleep has often been linked to junk food cravings. Sleepless nights have a straight impact on brain regions that control decision making, and they make us more inclined to crave junk food rather than healthy foods