In common terms, the meniscus is a rubbery disk or cartilage that forms a cushioning between your thigh bone i.e. femur and shin bone i.e. tibia. So, there are two menisci in each joint (knee).

Tearing of the meniscus is a common condition found in patients, says Dr Suresh Bansal. He further adds that while most of the young and middle-aged patients get this because of sudden accidents like quickly getting up from squatting position, twisting or turning quickly, or lifting heavy article with improper care.

So, you don’t have to be a sports person to receive this condition. It’s quite common. Old people also tend to tear their meniscus because it is worn out with time and gets vulnerable to slightest of accidents.

Dr Suresh Bansal has an expertise in treating patients in this arena. As per his experience from previous cases, he gives non-surgical treatment first priority. It includes rest, hot and cold packs, physiotherapy, and other methods.

But for cases that are almost impossible to repair, he has earned an expertise in operating in this arena. The surgery depends on individual cases. While in some cases a surgical repair is done to sew the torn section, some demand removal of the torn section.

But for cases that are almost impossible to repair, he has earned an expertise in operating in this arena. The surgery depends on individual cases. While in some cases a surgical repair is done to sew the torn section, some demand removal of the torn section.

In rare cases, total meniscectomy is done to remove the meniscus from the body.

The pattern and location of the tear normally decide which type of surgery best suits the patient.

If you are also suffering because of your knee, it’s time you see a specialist rather than worsening the case with experiments.