Protein diet is a plus for anyone trying to lose weight. As they take longer to digest than carbohydrates, it helps in feeling fuller for longer; on fewer calories one can  tend to eat less throughout the day. Animal products like meat, eggs and dairy are good sources of protein but high in saturated fats and cholesterol. So if planning to lose weight, and want to add proteins to the diet, here are some vegetarian sources to get proteins without eating meat.

  • Green peas are good sources of protein. One cup contains 7.9 gms (same as a cup of milk). We may not like peas as a side dish, but try blending into pesto / hummus.
  • Quinoa is technically a seed and contains more than 8 gms of protein per cup, including all nine essential amino acids that the body needs for growth and repair. It can be added to soup/salad, tossed with veggies. All nuts contain healthy fat and protein. 
  • Almonds / walnuts contain 5-6 gms of protein per ounce.
  • Beans are rich in proteins like kidney beans, black / white beans. Two cups of beans contain 26 gms of proteins. 
  • Chickpeas can be tossed into salads or pureed into a hunnus. They contain 7.3 grams of protein in half cup and also high in fibre and low in calories. 
  • Spread hummus on sandwiches in lieu of mustard, mayo and other spreads. 
  • Soybeans (boiled) contain 17 gms of protein per cup, can be served hot or cold. Try it as a snack, an appetizer before dinner, or added to salads or pastas. 
  • Vegetables don't have nearly as much protein as legumes and nuts. If someone is eating a wide variety of different types of vegetables; it adds up to good amount of amino acids. Two cups of raw spinach contains 2.1 gms of protein, and one cup of chopped broccoli contain 8.1 gms. 
  • Hemp seeds (10 gms of protein in 3 tablespoons) can be added to smoothies, pestos or baked goods. 
  • Chia seeds contain 5 mgs in two tablespoons. These can be sprinkled over salads, stirred into yogurt or oatmeal, blended into smoothies, or they can take center stage. They plump up and take on a gelatinous texture when soaked in a liquid, forming a rich and creamy pudding like a treat. 
  • Sesame, sunflower and poppy seeds (sunflower seeds contain 7.3 gms per quarter cup, sesame and poppy seeds at 5.4 gms each).
  • Soya milk contains 100 cal per cup, has the most protein at 8 gms per cup.
  • Eggs are one of the least expensive forms of protein (6 gms per 1 large egg).
  • Whey protein - (24 gms per scoop) is low calorie and has fastest digesting proteins. It is the perfect addition to the fat loss or muscle building diet.
  • Lentils (18 gms of protein per cup). One cup has the protein of 3 eggs, with less than 1 gm of fat. Their high fiber content makes them extremely satiating and they speed up fat loss.