You may be able to utilize a variety of soup diets to help you lose excess weight. There are different types of diets that are soup-based. Some soup diets, such as the cabbage soup diet, promote short-term, fast weight loss; however, other soup-based diets can be followed longer term since the resulting weight loss is more slow and gradual. Following the recommended guidelines may allow you to lose some of your excess weight. Review the different types of soup diets and choose the one that is most appropriate for you.
Starting a Soup-Based Diet
Talk to your doctor. Prior to starting any weight loss program, it's ideal to see your doctor first. They'll be able to review any diet plans you have and let you know if they are safe for you.
Tell your doctor about your desired weight loss, nutrition and exercise plan. Ask them if this will be safe and appropriate for your current health conditions.
Ask your doctor if they have any weight loss tips for you. They may be able to provide with some resources to help support your weight loss. Meet with a registered dietitian. Another health professional to meet with is a registered dietitian. These nutrition professionals will be able to guide you towards your weight loss.
Find a dietitian whose main focus is weight loss. Tell them about your goals and thoughts on your soup-based diet plan.
The dietitian may also be able to help you write up meal plans or teach you how to read labels to make sure you're choosing healthy soups. Set reasonable goals. With any weight loss plan, it's helpful to set goals for yourself. These short-term and long-term plans can help keep you motivated throughout your weight loss:
Try to make your goals reasonable. Losing large quantities of weight very quickly is probably not reasonable. Also make sure you're being realistic about how long you can follow your diet and exercise plan.
- If you have one long-term goal (like a larger weight loss amount), set smaller, more short-term goals leading up to it. Write up a meal plan. Writing up a specific weekly meal plan can help you stick to your diet and result in weight loss.
- Choose a specific diet to follow first. This will help you figure out what to include or what to leave out of your meal plan.
- Jot down notes for an entire week of meals. Include breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks and drinks.
- It may also be helpful to write up a corresponding grocery list to help you stay on target at the store.