Causes of Insomnia or Loss of Sleep

1) Imbalance in diet and lifestyle and the escalating stress in day-to-day living.   

2) Diseases like hypertension and anxiety etc. relate to loss of sleep or insomnia as a natural sign. 

Health Tips for Loss of Sleep according to Ayurveda

  • Sleeping in a dark room with calm and quiet environment
  • Fix a proper time and routine like listening to soft music, reading etc.
  • Involve yourself in physical activities and mental work through the day so that it exhausts you enough to obtain a sound sleep.
  • Limit your intake of caffeine rich foods like coffee, chocolates etc. as these interfere in the natural pattern of sleep.
  • You need to restrict having oily, spicy and heavy to digest meals before going to bed as this also could result into disturbed sleep.
  • Avoid nap during afternoons.

Some diet and life style tips counselled in Ayurveda

• After improving digestion we can take heavy and nourishing diet like ghee, milk, sugarcane juice,rice, curds, jaggery based products etc.

 • Lifestyle measures include self-massage (especially head region and mildly on ears and closed eyes), bathing with perfumed herbal soaps, local application of perfumed pastes or lotions on the body and head, soft pressing of the weary limbs etc

• Mental relaxation is also considered vital for the commencing of relaxed sleep. Ayurveda mentions to be sparing some time with your kids and agreeable alliances and family members, before going to bed. 

•Ayurveda Massage therapy, mainly Shirodhara provides with wonderful Stress relief, deep mind and body relaxation helping you to have a better and relaxed sleep.

• Ashwagandha, Tagara Brahmi, Shatavari, Jatamansi, are some of the well-known Ayurveda herbs recommended for loss of sleep. These also act as body and brain rejuvenator and good for intellect. It helps to manage stress and induces sound sleep Abhyanga, Shirodhara, Shiro Basti,Shiro Pichu, Pada Abhyanga, Abhyanga. 

Padabhyanga Is highly effective for insomnia and it includes massage of the foot and leg, stimulates all organs of the body and increases Ojas and induces a state of deep relaxation. Shirodhara is another highly beneficial 

External Ayurvedic treatment for insomnia and sleep disturbances

Yoga and Pranayama: Yoga and Pranayama deep breathing techniques are great supportive therapies for sleep disorders and insomnia. Savasana and Omkar Pranayama are particularly helpful.