1. Neck Extension:

It’s easy to relax into a forward head tilt when you’re sitting at your desk reading a book for a short period of time. If the muscles that extend the neck aren’t properly engaged, they may be weak and inflexible. This is a great stretch to counteract this imbalance. You can perform the stretch either seated or standing.

  1. Start in a seated position with your feet flat on the floor and hands resting on your thighs, with your neck straight and eyes looking forward.
  2. Begin by pulling your chin up toward the ceiling, while keeping your shoulders relaxed. Return to the start position before repeating the stretch.

2. Neck Flexion:

You can gain the flexibility of the neck through a variety of stretches. To increase the range of motion in a downward direction, use this exercise as a gentle stretch to improve flexion. You can perform this stretch either seated or standing.

  1. Begin in a seated position with your feet flat on the floor and hands resting on your thighs. Start with your neck straight and eyes looking forward.
  2. Using your core muscles to keep your back straight for the duration of the stretch, begin the movement by tucking your chin down toward your chest. Keep your shoulders relaxed. Hold and return to the start position to relax the stretch.