Four yoga poses to improve your sex life:        

1. Sitting wide – legged straddle pose: This pose really amps up the blood flow to the groin area. In a sitting position with flexed feet, spread the legs as wide as comfortably possible. Engage the thigh muscles as you press the legs into the floor. You may either sit up straight in this pose, or you can draw your chest downward toward to the floor for a deeper exercise.

2. Child Pose or Balasana: This pose helps to relax both the mind and body, and can effectively clear away the stress of the day to allow you to focus on your partner. From a kneeling position, sit on your heels and let your back arch gently. You may stretch your arms out in front of you on the floor or bring them to rest with your palms beside your feet.

3.Bridge Pose Or Setu Bandhasana: The bridge pose targets the muscles at the pelvic floor, which can lead to stronger, more controlled orgasms. To perform the bridge pose, begin on the floor on your back. Gently, with bent knees, lift your butt until your thighs are parallel to the floor, forming a bridge. Hold this pose for between 30 seconds and a minute

4. Lotus Pose Or Padmasana: The lotus pose promotes flexibility of the hip and thigh muscles, which are central to most sexual positions. For the lotus pose, sit cross-legged on the floor and, with your hands, pull each of your feet up to rest on the top of the opposite thigh. You should feel a deep stretching of the thigh muscles for the duration of the pose.